29th of December 2017
Emmerik & Stoffer& Johannes
CCC-Talk about Neighbour Heating.
Emmerik from Maelkeboetten and Stoffer and Johannes from Loppen
are talking at the german 34. Chaos Computer Club Congress in Leipziger Messe, Southern Germany.
SAAL "BORG". Friday 13:45
Go here for more info
Read about it in Der Spiegel Online
ING - Ingeniørens Ugeblad om Nabovarme. Febuary 2018
And see the presentation here on Youtube (20 min.)
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1st of December to 16th of December 2017
Rowan Milligan
I am a masters student in urban studies on the trans-national program 4CITIES. I am also a member of the Squatting Europe Kollective, and previously squatted in London. I conduct research on the value and significance of squatting as an intervention into urban landscapes and as a challenge to neoliberal developments in the housing markets in contemporary cities.
My previous work looked at the inherently political nature of squatting, in opposition to the binary between squatting for desperation or need and squatting as a political project, suggesting these motives can be aligned and that it is always political to occupy space in the city.
Now I am interested in the relationship between squatting and broader struggles for decent housing in cities, and will look at Christiania as a historic case of reclaiming urban space for common good. I will also look at the extent to which the residents and actors in Christiania are engaged in other urban struggles within Copenhagen, in the past and also in the present and any tensions or alliances that have emerged as a result of this engagement.
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2nd of November to 30th of November 2017
Tina Carlisi

I am an artist and doctoral candidate in Fine Arts from Montreal, Canada. Deeply inspired by the notion of possibility, my art practice strives to provide a poetic space to express an imaginary, incite action, or foster social connections. This is my second residency at CRIR. In August 2016, I participated in Utopia School in Christiania where I gave a presentation on the street theatre group Solvognen and facilitated an art action inspired by the troupe called White Rose Army. As a resident at CRIR, my research focused on Solvognen’s relationship to Copenhagen’s early squatter’s movement and the beginning years of Christiania.
During my residency, I will continue this research focus on Christiania as an artist town as part of my doctoral work on the interaction between communal living, learning and artistic expression. My artistic research project draws on the countercultural histories and living continuances of utopian thinking and their practical applications to communes and squatters’ movements. Integral to this inquiry are case studies of communities founded by people squatting on unused land in Europe where a strong tradition of autonomous cultures persists. In particular, I am interested in investigating notions of autonomy, free cultural spaces and the potential of friendship as a generative process for creativity and collaboration. Also vital to my research are interviews with women whose stories are largely underwritten in the histories of communes and squatters’ movements.
This doctoral research is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
If you would like to chat over a cup of tea, just drop by the house or reach me by email at tinacarlisi@hotmail.com.
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3rd of October to 31st of October 2017
Jaap Draaisma and Patrice Riemens - Amsterdam
both have a backgound in urban activism
Our research proposal and project is about what we have somewhat academically called 'democratic financial management and participatory governance'.
It finds its background in Christiana's epochal switch from a temporary autonomous zone into an officialy
recognized, self-administered community, a shift that has been formalized by the sale to the
Christiania Foundation of the whole area and all buildings presently occupied by the
The importance and consequences of this quantum jump in status can hardly be
over-emphasized. It presents tremendous oportunities but also tremendous challenges.
What we
see as the most important one, at least from the point of our research and experience-based
knowledge, is how to reconcile the alternative (in the sense of non-mainstream) values and
aspirations of the Christiania community of inhabitants with the limitations and obligations
imposed by the outside world's rules and regulations.
Our major concern is to help finding out how to achieve true ownership of Christiania by its
inhabitants now that it is on the way to have its title on official paper. We think to look at
the challenges this poses _inside_ Christiania rather than at those coming from the outside.
It goes without saying that we do not pretend to come up with a 'solution' at the end of our stay - even if our residency lasted a years, it would still be a matter for the
Christiania community to resolve, not for outside 'experts'.
However, both of us having some experience with community initiatives that can - up to a certain extent - be compared to Christiania, we may, in active involvement with Christianites, come up with some useful elements towards the fulfilment of Christiania's lofty aims for the coming years.
If, and whenever you like, please drop by the CRIR residency for a talk and a glass of tea!
Cheers from Jaap and Patrice (and the Dinosaurs! ;-)
Click for Short Bio
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18th of September 2017
New Ukrainian Christiania documentary awarded

We are happy to tell you that our film which we decided to call ‘Humans of Christiania’ got it's first award at the Whale film festival yesterday!
And though it was a small film festival which took place at the city of Mariupol (which is a beautiful marine city at the East of Ukraine), we were still happy to finally present it to wider audience. ‘Humans of Christiania’ became a winner in short documentary section.
I must add that the most pleasant part of telling people about Christiania is not a possibility of getting awards, but reaction different people show after screening. One of our friends who was in a process of arranging his house territory was so impressed with Christiania lifestyle, that he decided not to build solid fence around the house as people usually do in Ukraine, but to weld it himself and adorn with plants. It turned out to be very beautiful! And there were much more little but wondrous wins caused by people learning about Christiania
Elena Rubashevskaja
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1st of September to 30th of September 2017
Laila Hansen, worked in TV, film, theatre and sometimes teaching in drama/theatre. Both in Greenland and in Denmark and sometimes in other countries. For TV and film I work as a camera woman, editor, producer, director, actress, caster, make – up, etc.
Years back I had Nils Vest of Christiania as a filmproducer for my documentary film: Inuk Woman City Blues. Christiania has been in my heart since I was young.
The past years I have been working for Christiania TV ON and OFF, where I produced, shot and edited perhaps 10 or 20 docs, shows, shorties, experimental, portraits etc.
www. Kanalhovedstaden.dk/christianiaTV/LailaHansen
There was a time at Christiania TV Fall 16/spring 17,
where the spirit all over that place was good energy, collaborations, peace, love and happiness, hippiest corner of Christiania at times, creating, creating, creating surrounded by all different kind of talents, musicians, poets, dreamers, walkabouters and weirdoes. From all over the world. As I`ll will remember it: Dynamic, bombastic and damn Good TV. Good times. Lovely coleagues. We took over the Kanal Hovedstaden popular list, where top eight productions were made by Christiania TV – then.
Time out! Time is over. Things has changed and we`ve split after an intense year. Time always change something. Thank you Christiania TV and good luck in the future.
Here you can find some of my productions:
www.youtube.com/Laila K Hansen
Artist in residence of Christiania september, 2017.
I am working on my own scripts and own projects - again. This time in peace. I hope. Both productions are greenlandic but also contents scenes from Christiania. ver2
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1st of August to 31st of August 2017
Dears (Cyrus and Monika)
Monika and Cyrus are DEARS - dreamers, explorers, alternate-reality seekers.
After a 5-week adventure traveling from Christiania through the former Soviet Union and back again, they will be spending a month here in residence speculating on the future of the Freetown.
As designers who work with technology, they are interested in what the Christiania of 2050 will look like. Will the unique culture be preserved? Or will it become a resort hotel, a former Utopian wasteland, or something far more banal.
During their residency they will be creating speculative visions, through interactive objects, augmented spaces or virtual experiences to bring their visions to life.
In order to do this, they are hoping to immerse themselves in the Christianite culture, enjoying tea with residents to help inspire visions of the future.
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July 2017
New book release:Christiania a Portrait Diary
Click for "Christiania a portrait diary"
Thanks to Tolo and Troko (Fernando Trocóniz)
Click for Fernando Trocóniz website
7th of July to 30th of July 2017
Jokin Astorkia & Fernando Trocóniz
Architect and photographer

We'll analize the urbanisim of Christiania in order to propose viable and sustainable changes (if needed) in order to improve and make the living for Christianites better and easier.
In the other hand, we'll also propose a long term project for the CRIR house itself. We'll also analize the house and it's surroundings and propose several other projects to be completed for future researchers (us included). Allways taking into account, not only the researchers needs, but also the neighbours's.
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1st of July to 6th of July 2017
Matous and Martin
Intermediate visitors
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1st of June to 30th of June 2017
Eric Andersson
I am an architect and an artist from Sweden.
During my stay at CRIR I will start up a research project, with the aim to identify and investigate a section(situation/phenomenon/place) of the surrounding nature of Christiania, search for hidden values and think forward about alternative values in urban environment.
My method will be direct and I will give myself a freedom to interpret this situation, but I also need knowledge about the context from locally active urban artists/activists/explorers, I am open for collaborations or explorations in group with others, if the possibility comes.
The project is open ended but I have a goal with this exploration to produce material that highlights the value in the ‘hidden’/‘found’ in this city section. |
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4th of May to 31st of May 2017
Dan-Remi Hansen
mastersproject in Socialanthropology, University of Oslo
Hey dear Christianites! Im 27 years of age, and right now im doing my mastersproject in anthropology at the University of Oslo.
My master is about Christiania, and how the christianites respond to the increased policeactivity surrounding pusherstreet after the shoot-out last year.
Read my intro here
Im more than happy to welcome visitors during my stay in the CRIR-house, so just stop by for a cup of coffee if you want, and if the weather is good maybe we can fire up the grill!
You can reach me on email or phone.
Phone: +4746506440
e-mail: danremih@gmail.com
or drhansen@student.sv.uio.no |
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April 5th to May 3rd 2017
Andreas Kupsch
I am a 64 year german gardener that likes to support Christiania.
After having applied several years I finally got the chance to stay in this place.
I will paint and clean the house.
I feel a certain commitment to help or support Christiania
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April 5th 2017
Olimpia Loddo
Research article on Christiania´s common law:
"Drawing an Unwritten Common Law: The Normative Pictograms of Christiania"
Click for info
I will illustrate an example of pictorial normative representation expressing a set of norms that are fundamental to a community's very existence: this is the case of Christiania Freetown's Common Law. |
Olimpia was in CRIR September 2014
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March 2017
Livia Vajdova & Alice Stehlickova
Documentary film
We are from Slovakia and Czech Republic and freshly graduated from the University of Southern Denmark in the Department of International Security and Law.
However, our project would be oriented artistically with the aim to make a documentary movie of everyday life in Christiania, which would be streamed in Christiania and possibly at other film festivals.
The documentary movie would not be the only outcome of our project.
We would love to organize a photography exhibition in Christiania, which would equally depict the everyday life in Christiania.
The aim of the documentary movie would be to raise the awareness about Christiania in order to show people different life-style and inspire them.
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February 2017
Predrag Milic and Viktor Hildebrandt
urban environmentalists - from CRIR visit october 2015
Released a new book on the physical space of politics:

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1st of February to 28th of February 2017
Georgia Taylor-Berry & Kim Johnson
architect and urban designer
Through Cities is a collaborative project between an architect (Georgia Taylor-Berry) and an urban designer (Kim Johnson), which will culminate in a publication.
We have spent the past two years documenting an urban transect across fifteen countries between Australia and Denmark. The project documents the diverse pedagogies, cultures, ethnographies, urban environments and architecture found in cities by using various cross disciplinary methodologies (such as: interview, photographic, street and sound studies or abstract interpretations).
Through Cities attempts to advance ones understanding of the complexity of urban environments, provoke thought and bridge discourse about the ways we live in cities. Layered and often complex themes such as those associated with socialism, religion, language, culture, identity or ethnicity, are represented through outputs that communicate and stimulate thought about these issues, reaching and binding a broad audience.
We have explored urban conditions that have been extremely varied and unique in nature, from the planned cities if Chandigarh, the fine grained metropolis of Tokyo and the intensely over populated megacity of Dhaka. Christiania and Copenhagen will serve as integral points of difference to these previously studied spaces. We are looking forward to becoming a part of and learning from this unique community.
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Sunday 29th of January

5th of January to 30th of January
Elena Rubashevska
Director and film critic
Born in Donetsk, Ukraine.
Accompanied by Dmytro M. (camera)
‘I’m going to Christiania’ – I said to my parents, and my mother looked at me all shocked, and my father grumbled ‘They all weed-smokers and drugs-addicts out there’.
‘I’m going to Christiania’ – I said to my friends, and they asked me ‘What? Is it one of that things connected to religion you’re always interested in?’. And only one of them exclaimed: ‘Whoa, somebody’s going to have a great time! Bring me something’ – and he winked meaningfully.
That is the common perception of Christiania in my country, Ukraine. With its old-school society and still more soviet (even then post-soviet) perspective on life, the most people there are very suspicious to everything, that doesn’t fall into category of “how it should be”. And it should be like that: you are born, go to school, later – to university, than you should get married, have a couple of children, and go to a 9-to-18 workday until you are retired. Pretty normal, pretty boring. And the people who don’t lead such a life – there’s probably going to be something wrong with them!
Not only the way of living, but my pink hair and modest tattoo, as well as my boyfriend’s piercing can be a sticking point while communicating with people in Ukraine. Not to mention the all radical forces that have recently risen in our country who don’t tolerate anything connected with otherness…
Getting the opportunity of being a part of Christiania for almost one whole month, with discovering the Freetown for ourselves, we also aimed to discover it for Ukraine through documentary we’re going to make. Despite a lot of information one can find in Internet, Christiania still seems to be strange, and distant, and suspicious, and mysterious. That’s why we want to show the faces of this place, the people, who live here, who work here, who run businesses here, raise children here, create, dream, develop themselves.
We deeply believe, that example of Freetown’s social experiment can be not only informative, but encouraging as well as inspiring, and that’s why we are here: to learn from the humans of Christiania.
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11th of December 2016 to 4th of January 2017
Abdelrahman Kamel
Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service,
Georgetown University, Qatar

I will examine the case of the neighbourhood of Freetown Christiania in Copenhagen to understand the creation and development of such an alternative community. Specifically, the study explores the ways in which this anarchist neighbourhood applies various measures to maintain social and political control on both an internal and external level. On an external level, this study will explore Christiania’s autonomy through the long history of legislative struggle between the community and the Danish government. This section will discuss Christiania’s various acts of rebellion against state control and regulations, which plights the legal status of the community. On an internal level, this study will explore Christiania’s system of direct democracy and collective reform to understand how Christiania’s community consensus and fluid authority maintains control and stability. It will also address the emergence of Christiania’s alternative culture, which is rooted in a strong sense of historic political struggle.
I will argue that the Christiania experiment is a product of a community movement that underlines the power of collective change and social authority in modern day Denmark.
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1st of October to 8th of December 2016Giuseppe Mazzarino

I am a ph.D student in anthropology at university of Milano-Bicocca.My field of reseach deals with urban anthropology and anthropology of art.
The aim of my residency period at CRIR is to explore the role of architectural devices within the social life in the community, by analyzing the meanings the architectural devices assume as actors both in their biographical paths (reconstruction of the past) and in their collective life (strategies of the orientation of behavior, construction of boundaries in a physical space, etc.).
According to the interest that anthropology and the social sciences as a whole have always had in the study of houses, the main purpose of this research is to study the "social life" of housing frameworks through the reconstruction of its "cultural biographies".
The ethnographic research will focus on the interrelation between buildings and people in order to highlight the “the links between their architectural, social and symbolic significance”.
It will analyze the techniques of construction, the cultures of materials and projects, the meanings of devices in the social community, and the links between public and domestic spaces.
My project is continued in first half of 2017
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Søndag d. 2. oktober i Byens Lys kl. 17
in english/french with subtitles
François Bellemare, Rob, Nina, Andreas, Maja and Ole
invites you to 1st screening of new documentary - including coffee and cake

Sidste år, på Narrenes dag, den 1. april, modtog Christiania Foulosophie-prisen for sin rolle som Samfundets Nar.
Prisen blev overrakt under festlige former i et teater i Montreal i Canada, hvor 5 Christanitter repræsenterede Christiania.
Omkring Ca´s fødselsdag kom en halv snes fransk-canadiere på genvisit i Christiania, og de begivenhedsrige dage på
begge sider af Atlanten har vore canadiske venner nu samlet i en times dokumentarfilm.
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24th of September 2016. 10 AM - 3 PM
Workshop on Christiania´s economy in danishin collaboration with: Contested Property Claims
Kan vi pludselig gå konkurs?
Er der masser af penge?
Vi har bedt kloge hoveder give et bud.
Tilmelding Email, tryk her

10:00 Kaffe
10:20 Indledning ved CRIR, Christiania Researcher in Residence
10:30 Kirsten Prajna, CA byggekontor: "Ingen guldvandhaner her"
11:00 Hulda: Status på Christianiafondens arbejde.
11:30 Kai Drewes: Pengestrømme, Christianias økonomi set fra oven
12:00 Maja Hojer Bruun: Gentrificering - hvad er det?
12:30 Frokost. Der bydes på en let anretning eller sandwich
13:15 Workshop/snak og diskussion.
14:30 Slut - måske...
Med gratis frokost og kaffe.
Om deltagerne
Kirsten Prajna, Christianit, mangeårig medarbejder på Christianias byggekontor med ansvar for
bl.a. byggeøkonomien
Kai Drewes.
Merkur Andelskasse, Økonomikontorets supporter
Maja Hojer Bruun,
lektor ved Aalborg Universitet. Contested Property Claims.
Hulda Mader. Christianit,
Næstformand i Christianiafondens bestyrelse og koordinator for kontaktgruppen.
CRIR, Christiania
Researcher in Residence
har til formål at få kunstnere, forskere og akademikere i
åben og kritisk dialog om fristaden Christiania, og vil formidle kreative og
kritiske tanker i det offentlige rum.http://crir.net/about.html
Lise Autogena, ex. christianit. Kunstner og forsker ved The
Cultural Communication and Computing Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam
University, England. http://www.autogena.org
Jens Brandt, arkitekt og urbanist.
Anders Lund Hansen, Anders Lund Hansen, associate professor. Department of Human Geography. Lund University
Ole Sønderby. Politisk aktivist. Medarbejder på
Emmerik Warburg. Christianit. Medarbejder på
Contested Property
Claims er et forskningsprojekt finansieret af Det Frie Forskningsråd.
Projektet undersøger og sammenligner forskellige former for ejerskab, der
udfordrer, omgår, undergraver eller ignorerer de konventionelle måder at forstå
legitim ejendomsret på, eksempelvis internationale sammenligninger mellem
husbesættelser, deres moralske legitimisering og mulighederne for at få hævd på
Mere her: Contested Property Claims
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4th of September to 30th of September 2016
Francois Bellemare
from Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
1984-89 : beboer i Skuvognslandsbyen i Mælkebøtten, og møbelsnedker i Optimisten, involveret i flere spændende projekter : genopbygning af Maskinhallen, 3 timer lang radioudsendelse i CA-radio om udlændinges situation, kloakering i Mælkebøtten og rejser fra Norge til Portugal med tyske Navere fra gruppen Axt & Kelle.
2016 : hjælper med redigering af underteksterne til filmen “Christiania, Grand rectum de l’Université de Foulosophie”, og redigerer franske versioner “Jamais, ne pourrez nous tuer” (I kan ikke slå os ihjel, af Tom Lunden) og “L’ennemi public No.1” (Samfundets fjende Nr. 1, af Greve Lyhne). Filmen havde verdenspremiere i Christiania på Fristadens 45 års fødselsdag.
Udgiver artikel i Montreals dagavis Le Devoir, 26. september 2016 om Christianias nedrivning af hash-boderne.
François vil knytte stærkere forbindelser mellem Fristaden og den alternative scene i Quebec.
1984-1989 : à Christiania, résident en communauté à Skurvognslandsbyen, et ébéniste à l’atelier Optimisten, en plus de participer à plusieurs projets mobilisateurs : réassemblage à Christiania de l’édifice Maskinhallen, émission à CA-radio, creusage du réseau d’égouts de Mælkebøtten, avec de nombreux périples de la Norvège au Portugal avec les Compagnons du groupe allemand Axt & Kelle.
2016 : participe au sous-titrage du film “Christiania, Grand rectum de l’Université de Foulosophie”, et rédige versions françaises “Jamais, ne pourrez nous tuer” (I kan ikke slå os ihjel, par Tom Lunden) et “L’ennemi public No.1” (Samfundets fjende Nr. 1, de Greve Lyhne). Film présenté en avant-première mondiale à Christiania dans le cadre du 45e anniversaire de la Cité libre.
Publie article “Christiania met fin au Supermarché du hash”, Le Devoir du 26 septembre 2016, Montréal.
Vise à maintenir liens plus permanents entre la Cité libre et la scène alternative en cours au Québec.
1984-1989 : habitant of Christiania, lived in the community of Skurvognslandsbyen while working as cabinet maker in the woodworkshop Optimisten. Joined several mobilizing projects : rebuilding of Maskinhallen (The Machine Hall), making a program on Christiania-radio, sewer-network in Mælkebøtten and journeying from Norway to Portugal with travelling carpenters from the german group Axt & Kelle.
2016 : participates in undertitling of film “Christiania, Grand rectum de l’Université de Foulosophie”, translates french versions of “Jamais, ne pourrez nous tuer” (I kan ikke slå os ihjel, by Tom Lunden) and “L’ennemi public No.1” (Samfundets fjende Nr. 1, by Greve Lyhne) both with world Pre-premiere in Christiania in the week of The Free City’s 45th year birthday.
Publishes article in Montreal’s daily Le Devoir, September 26th, 2016 on Christiania’s recent decision to tear down hasch salestands.
François seeks to maintain more permanent connections between the Free City and the alternative scene in Quebec.
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28th of August to 4th of September 2016
Jaime Idea
Social Sculptor

Finishing up the Job at the Utopia School in Christiania, Fabriken 1.st floor
Check it out here
Link to Jaime´s homepage
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15th of August to 28nd of August 2016
Tina CarlisiArtist and researcher
I am an artist from Montréal, Canada, where I am pursuing a practice-based doctorate in Fine Arts.
My research examines ideas and practices linked to the radical imagination and is supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. My art practice is deeply rooted in the notion of the imaginary.
Working mainly through print and spatial gestures, I insist on minimalist forms and I am driven by a constant search for the poetic in the political and the political in the poetic.
While in residency at CRIR, my aim is to research Solvognen, a political action theatre collective active from 1969 to 1983.
Many members of the collective moved to Christiania in the early seventies. I am interested in learning about Solvognen’s relationship to Christiania and how the troupe’s prefigurative practices reflected a historical moment when people saw the possibility to reimagine a world they wished to live in.
I am particularly interested in how this may have resonance and dissonance in our contemporary moment. My aim during the residency is to develop an artistic bookwork from my research to contribute to the dissemination of this remarkable time of artistic expression not well-known outside of Denmark.
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16th of July to 5th of August 2016
Jo RayArtist and researcher I spent a few days in Aarhus (21st - 25th) to film and photograph the model of Christiania that is being exhibited at the Poster Museum there

... more later!
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1st of July to 14th of July 2016
Jaime Idea
Social Sculptor
in Christiania, Fabriken 1.st floor
August 1.st to August 31.st.
Check it out here
Link to Jaime´s homepage
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1st of June to 30th of June 2016
Maiko Shintani
food artist

Hej! I'm Maiko Shintani from Japan. I will stay at CRIR in June to
conduct a project.
In my project, I will cook Japanese dish by food wastes as much as I
could get. If you join me in any ways, that would be great!
Here is
favor for you:
1) If you have any food/ingredients you don't need anymore, please
kindly donate it for me. (As my thank you, I write your name in
Japanese character in calligraphy)
2) I share a dish with someone(you?) everyday. Please kindly take a
look at my website http://akmttbjwemausjpn.wix.com/itadakichristiania
3) Besides the project, I organize small events occasionally. Again,
please keep your eyes on the website above.
You are very welcome to visit me anytime to have a chat, coffee,
"hyggelig" time or any :)
Hope to see you there in June!
Denmark's news in English: "THE LOCAL DENMARK"
kindly wrote an article about my project. Please
share it, if you like!
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Carsten Rabe, Jean Paul and Lucia
Photographie Exhibtion Sydhavn Station / Copenhagen Photofestival
Curated by: Mette Juul / Carsten Rabe
Artists: Samantha Gora, Franziska Holz, Carsten Rabe, Simon Riemer, Theda Schillmöller, Sofia Velasquez
Opening: Friday 3. June 2016 at 17 h
Exhibition: 4 – 19. June 2016

Invitation click here

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22nd of May to 27th of May 2016
Jeff Silvertrust
Jazz Musician

I have played with the Christiania Band Big during the period of Jens Block as the coordinator and have participated and have performed at the Christiania Jazz club thru the years and during the jazz festival (including other events there thru the period of 1984 thru 2010) and have played a few times voluntarily within the vicinity of pusher street at difficult times when the government has tried to control and put away the Christiania freedom of expression etc.
I would be very happy to return again after many years and participate in the activities of the remaining jazz club and be of any use to anyone interested to employ my one man band for whatever events that may be happening during my stay.
Youtube One Man Band
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10th of May to 16th of May 2016
Eva Lin
curator and researcher

The aim while in residency at CRIR is to sharpen my research about Art intervention into the reality which I phrase as Art Remedy. N ot as a therapeutic technique in the field of art and psychotherapy but more about a creative value of expression, Art Remedy tends to control the damage and reform the order in the reality life through way of thinking in Art. The practical approach of Art Remedy driven from an non-obligational mission, generate power and consensus to against the unbalanced in any sort of form. Without practical profits and boundaries, many actions and works not created by so-called artists are even closer to the core value of art.
I feel Christiania with the respect for diversity will be one of the authentic collecting examples for that. What matters most could be just the way of thinking at the end.
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Vitalija Stepušaityte
anthropologist"There is no place like home" - people say, but what does that mean?"
There is no place like home, people say, but what does that mean? Can we explain home or do we have to experience it in order to understand? But to experience what: rootedness, belonging, dwelling or grounding, or maybe loss?
I am anthropologist based in Edinburgh writing a PhD about a concept of home, sense of be/longing; I am interested in how people experience home(s), remember them, and dream about them.
Based on my ethnography (Lithuanians in Scotland) I am exploring how migrants understand and practice home; how ideas of imaginary home, restlessness, that is very much a force to keep trying in creating and practicing home, and actuality of life, that requires social, cultural and emotional constant adaptation, interweave.
This thesis is about home(s) within a context of migration, but the decision of my interlocutors to move to another country was always a voluntary one, though very often people would say ‘there was no other option’. Moving from one location to the other is usually about hope, about a ‘better’ life, and, finally, about the opportunity to create new home.
Migration from Eastern Europe to the West usually falls into the category of economic migration; however, I am not limiting myself to this explanation. I see migration as a complex matter, which involves economy, politics, personal development, independence, freedom, adventure, and very much notions of an existential being-at-home (or not). Such a phenomenological take moves from an understanding of home as a geographical place, to home as an interaction between humans’ inner and outer worlds. It is not that people do not feel at home in places, but it is circumstanced by personal meanings, which are within broader contexts. Through combination of narratives about emerging lived reality, and intimate understandings of being-at-home and experiencing, practicing home(s), I aim to understand how acceptance of a spiritual ‘homelessness’ becomes an action of ‘coming home’.
While I am in Christiania I am eager to figure out more about the role of community while one is creating one's home, and how utopian ideas and everyday duties are mixed, how opting for living ‘differently' is practiced here and now, moreover, I am interested in how people adapt their dreams to the circumstances, but at the same time, how those dreams create an opportunity to experience a personal vision.
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23rd of April to 27th of April 2016
Imants (Monty) Priede
Active life in the deep oceans
How can deep-sea animals be observed and studied in their natural environment? What is the source of food for deep-sea animals?
How does the type and abundance of fishes change with depth? How active are the fishes of abyssal ocean floor? What is the maximum depth at which fish can survive?
Show on Tuesday, 26th of April 8 PM at the Science & Cocktails in Byens Lys, Christiania
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Support from Aarhus.
Former christianite helps the CRIR with designing the future living space
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15th of April to 18th of April 2016- -
Daniel J. Bernstein & Tanja Lange
You thought your communication was secure? Quantum computers are coming!
Show on Saturday 16th of April, 2016. 8 PM in cinema Byens Lys. Christiania
Read more here:
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1st of March to 10th of April 2016
Mica Oh PROJEKT HAAN - Trampolinhuset
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Mica Oh PROJEKT HAAN - Trampolinhuset
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2th of January to 31st of January 2016
Tiina Arjukka Hirvonen artist
My aim for the residency period is to develop my artist practice, stemming both from visual arts and dance & movement disciplines. In Christiania, my research starts from my curiosity towards the free town's sensory constructions. What sort of sensory information the free town environment carries, and how does it's citizens relate to it - how is this information present? I'm interested in the symbiotic relationship between man and its environment, especially the cross section where these two overlap each other, and in this case, exploring how this relationship is present in Christiania. I find the idea of sensory architecture fascinating - how do we, as physical beings in space, construct our surroundings through sensory perception, and how do our surroundings shape us in return. What kind of internal and external wirings are in play in our perception of a place?
”As places make sense, senses make place. " (Steven Feld)

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18th of December 2015 to 2nd of January 2016
Can Mert Kökerer 
sociology student at the ISCTE-IUL(Lisbon, Portugal) a researcher at the CIES(Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology)
My research aims to understand the reasons that led the residents of three alternative communities, the Tamera (Portugal), the ZEGG (Germany), and the Christiania (Denmark) to decide to live in such communities. Moreover by analysing their personal backgrounds, I will try to understand the biographical consequences of such decisions.
Although the first two communities are located in rural areas and they adopt agricultural/permacultural methods, my research in the Christiania would play an important role to compare the consequences of urban and rural participation in these alternative communities. Therefore, during my stay in the Christiania, I would like to have interviews and have surveys with its residents to understand their motivations and expectations.
Furthermore, at the end of this research, my plan is not only to write my thesis about these alternative communities, but also to publish articles about each of these three communities before writing my thesis. Hence the Christiania community would have a greater audience not only in Portugal and in Turkey, but also in other countries.
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11th of December to 17th of December 2015Alexandra Flynn Adjunct Professor (Law, Society and State: The City) Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto Canada

Over ten years of experience analyzing laws and policies, working with multiple levels of government, and managing complex projects. Interested in Christiania´s internal political structure
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1st of November to 6th of December 2015Linda Ruth Horowitz

From a career as a documentary photo-journalist, with a fascination in
alternative lifestyles, Linda has lived with the Bedouin
of Sinai, photographed extensively through Africa. For 21 years, an active member of Israel's first Kibbutz, she has volunteered in Christiania since ´87, photographed for Christianias TV & incidentally, the daughter of a New York Gangster.
Read more about the book here
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7th of November to 22 November 2015Yann DatessenCRIR participant from June 2014
invites you to Photo Exhibition at Maison du Danemark in Paris
Photo Exhibition website
Yann Facebook:
Yann Facebook page
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25th of October 2015Movie in Maelkeboetten Common RoomAnimated movie Presented by Predrag Milicfor børn og andre mennesker i Mælkebøttens fællesrum
søndag kl. 18
27th of September to 30st of October 2015
Predrag Milic and Viktor Hildebrandt
Predrag, architect primarily interested not in buildings but in urban environments. Viktor, studied Philosophy (major) and Business administration (minor) in
Mannheim (Germany).

About 4 cities programme

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21st of September to 27st of September 2015
Ruigoord (Aja Waalwijk and Paul)
Participating in the 5th Symposium on Free Cultural Spaces / FCS in The Grey Hall and surroundings in Christiania
http://www.christianiaskulturforening.dk/2015/FREE%20CULTURAL%20SPACES%202015/program.html http://christianiaskulturforening.dk/
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st of September to 21st of September 2015
Kiné Aw
Zulu M’Baye
Moussa Sene Absa
Famous artists from Villages des Arts de Dakar, Senegal meet and work in Christiania

Artists invited by GallopperietCurated by Jesper Boysen
Gallopperiet, Stadens Museum for Kunst
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22nd of August to 31st of August 2015SCOTT WILLIAM RABYThe artist’s aim while in residency at CRIR is to continue developing his artistic practice toward the realization of future projects about the relationships between art, capital, power structures, and urban spaces through performances, writings, installations, and a variety of other forms. In addition to the general development of his practice, Raby will also specifically examine Christiania – its people, culture, aesthetics, built environment, and politics. In this way he hopes to uncover, understand, and interact with Christiana as a site for future artistic engagement. This is the second of two periods in which the artist will be in residency.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -9th of August to 21st of August 2015Bernd Belinaprofessor of human geography at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

About Bernd Belina - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1st. of August to 5th of August 2015François BellemareTilbage på Christiania for første gang i 25 år !

Email François
Jeg var en del af bofællesskabet Skurvognslandsbyen i 80-erne, og arbejdede som møbelsnedker i Optimisten (1984-1989). Jeg har også været med i forskellige spændende projekter : genopbygning af Maskinhallen, udsendelse på CA-radio, kloakering i Mælkebøtten, og rejste med Naverne fra Axt & Kelle fra Norge til Portugal.
Bortset fra at cykle rundt og besøge gamle venner vil jeg også gerne prøve nu, på denne rejse og i den nære fremtid, at knytte stærkere forbindelser mellem Fristaden og de mange spændende alternative erfaringer der forgår i mit hjemland, Quebec. Hvordan kan et nyt projekt skabes ?
De retour à Christiania pour la première fois en 25 ans !
De 1984 à 1989, j’habitais en effet en communauté à Skurvognslandsbyen, et travaillais comme ébéniste à l’atelier Optimisten, en plus de participer à cette époque à plusieurs projets mobilisateurs : réassemblage à Christiania de l’édifice Maskinhallen, émission à CA-radio, creusage du réseau d’égouts de Mælkebøtten, en plus de nombreux périples avec les Compagnons du groupe allemand Axt & Kelle, de la Norvège au Portugal.
Au cours du présent séjour, en plus du plaisir de retrouver mes amis d’antan, j’aimerais établir des liens plus permanents entre la Cité libre et les nombreuses expériences alternatives ayant lieu au Québec, ma terre d’origine où je suis retourné vivre. Quelle forme devrait prendre ce nouveau projet ?
Back to Christiania for the first time after 25 years !
From 1984 to 1989, I lived in the community of Skurvognslandsbyen and worked as a cabinet maker in the woodworkshop Optimisten. I also joined in several mobilizing projects : rebuilding of Maskinhallen, Christiania program on CA-radio, sewer-network in Mælkebøtten and journeying with travelling carpenters from Axt & Kelle from Norway to Portugal.
Apart from visiting old friends, in this present stay and in the near future, I would like to settle more permanent connections between the Free City and the many alternative experiences taking place in Quebec, my own country where I live. Which form should it take?
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6th of July to 31st of July 2015Tolo and Trokoart curator and photographer
A couple of spanish friends working together in this project. Troko is a photographer and Tolo is an art curator. We want to make some photocalls in different places of Christiania and invite christianites and tourists to take a picture and ask them to give us an impression about Christiania, just a headline. We are very interested in mixing both, people living here and visitors in order to make a kind of personal portrait diary

Troco´s website
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1st of June to 30th of June 2015Martiphotographer

I was an early keynote speaker in Christiania at the COP 15 climate change conference in 2009. I am a writer, photographer, and social and environmental activist from Paris and Auroville, a community in South India. I am also an international advisor to the Global Ecovillage Network (GEN), founded by Ross and Hildur Jackson of the Gaia Trust in Denmark. I have also worked
with UNESCO and am a UN Representative to Geneva under the
ECOSOC programme for NGOs.
For the past four years, I have been working with the Greenland Inuit population and has been presenting a photographic exhibition entitled: Greenland Spirit at the Nuuk Art Museum and the Katuaq Greenlandic Cultural Center in Nuuk in April.
The exhibition has now moved to the Greenlandic House in Copenhagen and will be realigned to reflect Inuits living outside of Greenland.
Go to exhibition
Marti Photographer Homepage
Poster on Climate change Talk
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17th of May to 31st of May 2015SCOTT WILLIAM RABYThe artist’s aim while in residency at CRIR is to continue developing his artistic practice toward the realization of future projects about the relationships between art, capital, power structures, and urban spaces through performances, writings, installations, and a variety of other forms. In addition to the general development of his practice, Raby will also specifically examine Christiania – its people, culture, aesthetics, built environment, and politics. In this way he hopes to uncover, understand, and interact with Christiana as a site for future artistic engagement. This is the first of two periods in which the artist will be in residency.
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11th of May to 16th of May 2015and9th of April to 26th of April 2015
Renée Ridgway
My present research is entitled ‘re:search’ and looks at both meanings of the word ‘re:search’ by unpacking two sets of meanings implicit in the word ‘re:search’: 1. Research as form: 2. Research as process.
In order to better understand the concept of ‘re:search’ and both implicit meanings, I would like to engage with communities in order to understand better how they research and search. Many people carry out research everyday for their work, or for their own knowledge or special interests. Now in the age of internet more and more people obtain information online through search queries. Some choose to still use libraries, talk with older generations or collect books as well.
Christiania’s unique and alternative environment would be generative in contributing to understanding a community’s vision and interests. For my residency I would like to find out how some people ‘re:search’. What are their methods? (how do they go about it?) What are their interests? I hope to meet people who would be willing to discuss their ‘re:search’.

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27th of April to 7th of May 2015Kjerstin NorénArtist. second period of stay

Hey again. Check out my Homepage
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7th of April to 8th of April 2015
Gert Jan HofstedeDutch population biologist and social scientist in information management and social simulation
Guest of Science & Cocktails, Byens Lys
Homepage of Science&Cocktails at Byens Lys, Christiania
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5th of March to 9th of March 2015MALENE HALKJÆR PEDERSEN

Artist of the month at Christiania Art Gallery Galopperiet
Opening, Sunday March 8, 3 PM
Gallopperiet homepage
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OPEN CALL 2014/15
click for details
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -January 21st to January 24th 2015Charles Hopkins
Professor Main speaker at "VI SKAL UDDANNE OS I BÆREDYGTIG OMSTILLING – et nyt globalt aktionsprogram er vejen videre for Uddannelse for Bæredygtig Udvikling!"
Øko-net og 92-gruppen holder en stor uddannelses- og bæredygtigheds-konference og efterfølgende Fest for ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) – Go Sustainable – Go GAP (Global Action Programme) - på Christiansborg og i Dome of Visions
Professor Charles Hopkins
holds both a UNESCO Chair and a United Nations University
(UNU) Chair at York University, Toronto. As UNESCO Chair he coordinates an
international network of teacher education institutions working upon the reorientation of
education to address sustainable development. As the UNU Chair he focuses upon
the role of Education for Sustainable Development in community development. Prof. Hopkins
is an advisor to UNESCO and UNU regarding the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable
evelopment (UNDESD). He played major roles in both the Rio and Johannesburg UN
Summits on Sustainability.
He was an author of Chapter 36 of Agenda 21, the Rio Earth
Summit Action Plan on Education, Public Awareness and training.
Charles Hopkins is invited by Lars Myrthu-Nielsen and Charlotte Steen Øko-net 92-gruppen
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16th of November to 30th of November 2014
Erasmus Mundus UNICA Master in Urban Studies
Freetown Christiania has for decades been a unique places where a diverse range of ideas and practices have flourished. Through a series of interviews with some of the residents who constructed their own dwellings, this research will explore the concept of living in a “freetown”, and to what extent it is possible to turn utopian dream into realities. If this is largely achievable, then this has interesting consequences in our understanding of psychology and the built environment. If it is mainly unattainable, then is it nevertheless still worth aiming for utopia in order to at least head in the direction of a more pleasant existence?
This research will result in a master’s thesis which will be published in September 2015. This will be accessible online for free
www.4cities.eu and three hard copies will be donated to the Christiania Information Office.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1st of November to 15th of November 2014
Kjerstin NorénArtist

I am a writer and a performer from Sweden, but among some older danes I might still be remembered as one of the cultural editors of Information, first and foremost as a drama critic.
I have been honoured the privilege to enjoy a residence at Christiania for a month and the first part of my stay will take place 1-15/11 2014.
My intention is to study and analyse the relation between a social movement and individual achievments in a process of changing, as it has happened in the very reality of Christiania.
Since the beginning of the ninties I belong to an artistic village in Bohuslän, about one hundred kilometres from Gothenburg. That is where I found my first home when returning to Sweden. Today I have also settled down in Gothenburg, where a major part of my artistic work take place.
You will hear from me, se me around, rather soon and I am very much looking forward to that!
Best wishes
Kjerstin Norén
Gothenburg 141014
Homepage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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27th of October to 1st of November 2014
Jo RayArtist
I am curious about how we value, occupy and dream about space. The situations I initiate and objects I make seek to expose the interplay between the idea of Place and the lived experience. I'm an 'amateur', a 'lover of' an array of processes. Architectural, technical and social phenomena all inform my practice. Plays on scale, frustrated views and public intervention are recurrent strategies.
Jo Ray homepage - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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1st of October to 26th of October 2014
Susi law
independent artist/ curator/ researcher and active listener

Susi Law collects whistling tunes, whistling stories and its knowledge from people of all age and from different culture, to set up a growing archive of non-linguistic human voice.
Whistling - a universal language which implies an autonomous state of mind, a relaxing being, and an unconscious emotional expression through voice.
During the residency, a
whistling station will be set in different locations at Christiania to collect materials.
The research result will be released in form of a listening party at Christiania, also in Berlin and Hong Kong where the project was started at.
More on http://www.unexpectedworks.com
*Photographer Frida McIntosh from Sweden was also staying at CRIR for a week visiting and working together with Susi.
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10nd of September to 17th of September 2014
OU ning

Blog: http://www.alternativearchive.com/ouning
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ou.ning.1
Instagram: http://instagram.com/ouninginstagram
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ouning
Weibo: http://t.sina.com.cn/ouning - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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2nd of September to 9th of September 2014
olimpia Loddo
Ph.D. in Analytical Philosophy and General Theory of Law
in the University of Milan -(Università Statale di Milano).
Presently post-doctoral fellowship in Philosophy of Law at the University of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
The aim of my research is to analyze the Pictorial Common Law of Christiania’s Freetown. This is displayed in several posters that can be seen in different parts of Christiania’s territory.
More precisely, I will focus on the nine prohibitions of Christiania’s older Common-law, that are iconically represented.
The icons of Christiania Common-law are apparently similar to the traffic signs, but they are a really different phenomena. Indeed, while traffic sign’s physical support and location are necessary condition for the norm to be binding, Christiania’s Common-law seems to be in force independently from its iconic representation and its concrete material support.
On the other hand, even if the meaning of the different pictograms are not connected with the physical place where they are located, their deepest meaning is fully understandable only on the basis of Christiania’s cultural and institutional background. Christiania Common-Law’s pictograms hide many different kind of messages.
The icons of Christiania Common-law can be considered as a medium for the communication both of normative messages (for instance, the values spontaneously accepted by Christiania’s people, or what kind of people is not welcome to Christiania) and of non-normative messages (for example, several information about Christiania history and traditions).
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14th of July to 12th of August 2014
Oliver Rice & James DunhamPhilosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) students at the University of Warwick in the UK. Through a series of workshops with Christianians we will explore what makes you happy, what values you hold and what choices you would make in certain scenarios in order in the longer term, not only to host an exhibition, but to write an academic paper on the happiness of Christianians and what the newly emerging discourse on the economics of happiness can learn from Christiania and its institutions and values.
Blog: A day in the life of Christiania – the far from norm/ weird (delete as appropriate)
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June - July 2014Maja Hojer Bruun
anthropologist, ph.d., Aalborg University
Moral reasoning in everyday practices of expropriation and appropriation
is the title of a sub-project under Research project 2013-2016
"Contested Property Claims: Moral Reasoning about Property and Justice in Practice, Debate and Theory". Supported by "Det frie Forskningsråd for Kultur og Kommunikation" in collaboration with 3 other researchers at Aarhus University
Læs den danske projektbeskrivelse her
Maja Bruun er antropolog og adjunkt ved Aalborg Universitet. Hun besøger CRIR i juni-juli 2014, fordi hun er i gang med et forskningsprojekt om alternative ejendomsformer og byrum. Hun er interesseret i 'urbane fælleder', dvs. de byrum vi ejer i fællesskab. Hun vil gerne undersøge, på hvilke forskellige måder Christiania kan forstås som en fælled og hvilke fællesskaber, der er med til at opretholde fælleden. I den forbindelse er hun interesseret i at opsamle erfaringer med den nye ejendomsform på Christiania, nu hvor fristaden er blevet legaliseret og delvist selvejende/ejet af Fonden Fristaden Christiania, og beboerne står i et andet forhold til staten, end dengang området var ulovligt besat.
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24th of June to 28th of June 2014
Yann Datessen
French photographer and Paris-sorbonne University teacher, making a photo essay about Christianites,
and Christiania’s way of life
Website : http://yanndatessen.fr
I’m looking for models. Please write me if you would like to help:
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9th of June - 13. of June 2014
helen jarvis
Newcastle University
United Kingdom
preparing for a research project - and combining it with a conference at the University of Copenhagen.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13th of May - 27th of May 2014Malgosia MarkiewiczartistProject renovating the CRIR house
Malgosia Homepage
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4th of May - 11th of May 2014Carsten Rabe
known artist from Hamburg Free city "Gängeviertel" member of Westwerk in Hamburg will curate an exhibition with hamburg artists Archaea as part of the artist-run-festival in may.
Archaea is a group show of artists primarily from the artist-run spaces in Hamburg, curated by Carsten Rabe from Westwerk. The Archaea are a domain of single-celled microorganisms. They were viewed as extremophiles living in harsh environments, such as hot springs and salt lakes, but they have been found in a broad range of habitats, including soils, oceans and the human navel.
Exhibiting artists:
Olaf Böckmann, Antje Feger & Benjamin Stumpf, Thomas Jehnert, Thomas Judisch, Isabell Kamp, Anna Myga Kasten, Lilja Kovka, Gesa Lange, Jessica Leinen, Gosia Machon, Dragan Prgomelja, Carsten Rabe, Sylvie Ringer, Hoda Tawakol, Anne Vagt
10th. of May.-11th. of May
Prags Boulevard 43, 2300 Kbh S.
Download Invitation
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st of April - 30th. of April 2014
Bjørn and Ho Berit From Karlsøy Prestegaard
with christiania artist bjarne rihave
Art Exhibition in Gallopperiet
April 05th – April 30. 2014 Opening hours Tuesday – Sunday, 2 PM– 7 PM

Opening show 5th April 3 PM - 8 PM
Norwegian – Danish Artproject
Bjørn and Berit From Karlsoy Prestegaard in Northern Norway
Gallopperiet - Art in Christiania Ho Berit WWW
Bjørn Elvenes and the Blue Town Bjarne Rihave
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4th of March - 30th of March 2014
Amanda Winter PhD candidate at Central European University in Budapest, Hungary.
Research focuses on contestations of consumer culture in ‘green’ cities, particularly how sustainable living is defined and practiced in different institutions in Copenhagen and what this means for environmental sustainability. Given Christiania’s role as an eco-village and a community where one can live in an alternative way, Amanda is interested in what Christianitters think about the idea of sustainable lifestyles.
If you would like to get involved in this project, please feel free to contact her at: winter_amanda@ceu-budapest.edu
She will be living in the CRIR house from 4-30 March 2014, and will be in Copenhagen through the end of May.
Have a nice day!
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1st of January - 31st. of January 2014
Kara Schultz
Kære Christianitter!
Jeg hedder Kara og jeg er januars Christiania Research in Residency og
jeg bore her i Christiania (på mælkebøtten). Jeg studere anthropologi og
så jeg skal laver feltarbejde her i dejlig Christiania til min tese. Jeg
kommer fra USA og Canada men kollektivt jeg har boet i Danmark i et år og
et halvt så kan godt snakker nogle dansk. Jeg vil gerne snakke med lidt
ældre (60+) mennesker fordi det er mit fokus. Men vil også meget gerne
snakke og hygge med alle forskellig folk her i Christiania. Lige send mig
en email så vi må laver en aftale om nogle. Glæder mig virkelig meget til
at møde nogle af jer!
Kara Schultz
email: ks2771@bard.edu
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December 2013
Giacomo Turci, Helena Colom Montoriol
and Luna De Maio are anthropology students who enjoyed Erasmus project during 2013-14 academic year in Copenhagen, studying at the University of Copenhagen.
They carried on a fieldwork in Christiania between October and December, 2013.They studied Christianites' lives (in particular, talking with people in their twenties) considering normalization and Christiania's particular model of consensus democracy after the 2011 pact with Danish government.
Despite they were not CRIR guests, they worked with E. Warburg and with then-CRIR guest, Andrea Liu.
The result of their work is:
"Still standing? Young Christianites between consensus and normalization"
the paper: you can read here.
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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4th of November - 5th of December 2013Andrea Liu
The Production of Neoliberal Spatiality
Following the crackdown on Christiania from the Anders Fogh Rasmussen regime in 2003 and increasing pressure to disembowel Christiania of its core principles through privatization of collectively owned buildings, my research at CRIR looks at how we can use the Normalization push on Christiania to look at how government is performed through the Foucauldian tripartite of sovereign, disciplinary and regulatory power as suggested by Hakan Thorn in Space for Urban Alternatives? Christiania 1971-2011. Sovereign power can be characterized as state-sanctioned violence, police, display of power as spectacle; disciplinary power as a more subtle, insidious microphysics of power and dispersed quotidian techniques of control on an individual and his/her body; regulatory power as biopolitics or a macro-technology of power of managing people as a group to make possible the control of entire populations.
Is there a difference between normalization and legalization, with the former being more malevolent than the latter? I am interested in un-packing the polemical tension surrounding Christiania since the normalization push. What are the rhetorical strategies employed by Christiania-ites vs. the Danish state to represent and depict Christiania differently (i.e. regarding its supposed “openness” or “closedness”, its relationship to the rest of Copenhagen) in written documents (i.e. the Christiania Guide, The Christiania Area’s Future: Master Plan and Action Plan) in order to make the case for or against Normalization? How does the state attempt to territorially stigmatize Christiania, and how does Christiania resist allowing the state to define the terms in which Christiania will be depicted in order to “tip the scales” in favor of normalization?
This project will culminate in a discussion in collaboration with University of Copenhagen/Erasmus Project students and artists from ZK/U-Berlin (Center for Art and Urbanistics).
KEYWORDS: Neoliberal Spatiality/ Neoliberal Imaginary/ Redlining /Blockbusting/ Territorial Stigmatization/ Space Wars/Aesthetics of Tactical Formlessness/ Critical Publicness/Critical Urban Theory/Neoliberalism as Creative Destruction/Accumulation by Dispossession (David Harvey)/ Temporary Autonomous Zone (Hakim Bey)
Andrea Liu is a New York city-based visual art, dance and cultural critic who just completed two artist residencies in Berlin (ZK/U and Culturia). She was founder of the temporary gallery The Naxal Belt in Brooklyn, NY.
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1st October - 19th of October 2013
Rod Northcutt
Assistant Professor of Sculpture
Department of Art, School of Creative Arts
Miami University Ohio, USA
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5th of September 2013
Eva Christensen
Kollektiv historiefortælling
New .phD on Christiania's decisionmaking on it's way from Roskilde University Centre. ph.d.-afhandling ”Kollektiv historiefortælling – Historiebrug og stedsidentitet i et usædvanligt boligområde” er nu blevet indstillet til forsvar ved Institut for Kultur og Identitet, Roskilde Universitet
TID: Fredag d. 25. oktober kl. 13-16
STED: RUC, auditoriet i bygning 46.
Bedømmelsesudvalget er:
Professor Bernard Eric Jensen, DPU, adjungeret professor RUC (formand)
Professor Anna-Malin Karlsson, Uppsala Universitet
Lektor Dennis Day, Syddansk Universitet
Læs abstract her OBS: Kom i god tid, da dørene lukkes præcist kl. 13.
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1st September - 30th of September 2013
Rita Kohel, Judith Stryczek, Carsten Rabe, Till E.T. Haupt, Michael Ziehl, Jessica Leinen, Simon Riemer, Björn Schmidt, Tona, Nils Kasiske, Franziska Holz, Minigolfmadness, Juliane Kruppke, Franziska Schillig, Hamburger Kino, Urban Ätsch

Visit and exhibition at Gallopperiet in Christiania from artists from the 12 houses in Hamburg centre that were occupied in 2009.
Link: http://www.gallopperiet.dk
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16ht - 31th of August 2013
Andrés Senra

During March 2013 I was working in the videoart for alter Christiania, interviewing people and recording videos of the place, the houses and details.
It was a very productive work and I have found all the facilities to do it, people was always available and they were really nice, giving all kind of answers to my questions. I´m really happy with all the material I have.
My next step was to edit this material and now I´m working in Christiania again in the drawings and the translation of the documentary material in order to create a wider work with the goals I¨ve proposed for the residency.
For the new residents who don´t know about my project the drawings will be portraits of people, architecture and graphics of experiences in order to build an emotional map, where interrelation, life, dreams and organizational structures of Christiania and alter-Christiania are related, I´m also painting some watercolour of fictional landscapes in the way of utopian literature has imagined the ideal city.
The work will be exhibited in Spain at the end of this year in a contemporary art center of Madrid
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22nd. of July - 16th of August 2013
Ana Pérez lopez
I come from a country where politicians have sold the soul of all the Spanish mainly to Germany. Where the youth is screaming for a change, or having to leave the country because there are no jobs. Where “crisis” appears in every conversation and the cuts in health care and education are overshadowed by the corruption of those who hold the scissors. We are in a non-returning point, but we are scared to push that fence.
Therefore I will make art piece showing the living conditions of Christiania. A series of Interactive art pieces that explore what really makes Christiania different. They will be presented as posters with QR codes that link to videos that show the special corners of this unique town.
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5th. of June - 21st of July 2013
Tyler Starr
is an artist whose work explores contemporary conundrums and is influenced by the way print media has been used from its very beginnings to impose order on the confusion of human events. Tyler will be researching in Copenhagen archives about the layers of history evident in the city such as the fortifications that framed the cholera outbreak of 1853, Nelson’s naval attack during the Battle of Copenhagen, and the building of Christiania on the foundations of a military base. His artwork will take the form of stenciled images, digital animation and booklets.
He will be offering a workshop for the Christiania community introducing contemporary (practical) approaches to traditional Japanese woodblock printing techniques. He studied the technique for seven years while earning a PhD in Studio Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts.
He will be in Christiania with his wife (artist Miki Kato-Starr) and son.
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15th. of June - 21st of July 2013
Tyler Starr
is an artist whose work explores contemporary conundrums and is influenced by the way print media has been used from its very beginnings to impose order on the confusion of human events. Tyler will be researching in Copenhagen archives about the layers of history evident in the city such as the fortifications that framed the cholera outbreak of 1853, Nelson’s naval attack during the Battle of Copenhagen, and the building of Christiania on the foundations of a military base. His artwork will take the form of stenciled images, digital animation and booklets.
He will be offering a workshop for the Christiania community introducing contemporary (practical) approaches to traditional Japanese woodblock printing techniques. He studied the technique for seven years while earning a PhD in Studio Arts at the Tokyo University of the Arts.
He will be in Christiania with his wife (artist Miki Kato-Starr) and son.
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26th. of May - 8th of June 2013
Marius Abramavicius Neboisia
Uzupiz-Christiania-Hirvitalo Caravan Project
Skaidra Jancaite
Tadas surkys
Three partners of the project are the “Uzupio meno inkubatorius“, who represent the art community of Uzupis in Lithuania, “Christiania in Art”, who represent the art community of Christiania and “Hirvitalo”, who represent the art community of Pispala in Finland.
The three communities as well as their representative organisations are famous for their creative works and various artists that reside within them.
We will organize a one week paint workshop in Gallopperiet.
Uzupis artist Marius Neboisia paints the CRIR residence front wall.
During stay in Christiania we will fly huge kites painted by artist from Christiania.
The flying kites will be visible for thousands of Christiania guests and citizens of Copenhagen.
Example photos
Support from Kulturkontakt Nord.
Organized by Marius Neboisia, Jesper Boysen and Anette Steinhart
Material concerning the project will be announced in web pages:
kites. Flying dragons
Gallopperiet. Christiania Art exposition hall
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8th - 27th of April 2013
Christine Schörkhuber, Maria Hera, Patrícia J. Reis:
Mz Baltazar´s Lab. feminist hacker space.
12.04.13. kl. 15-18. Maria Hera " Ma soer cent tétes!
2 - 3 hours. Place: Christiania, Mælkebøttens Fællesrum
19.04.13. kl. 15-18. Christine Schörkhuber "The beauty of distorsion"
2 - 3 hours. Place: Christiania, Mælkebøttens Fællesrum
26.04.13. kl. 15-18. Patrícia J. Reis "Electronics and Arduino introduction"
2 - 3 hours. Place: Christiania, Mælkebøttens Fællesrum

Mz. Baltazars´s Laboratory is a feminist hacker space and a artist collective based in Vienna.
It means in general open source, women only, open access.
Non- hierachic teaching and informal learning while subverting capitalistic consume structures with tinkering and empowerment.
Mz Baltazar's Laboratory wants to demystify technology for people socialized as women. In a three days workshop we hack hardware, make noise, build angst-robots and program open source software.
We ask a lot of “stupid” tech questions and develop art projects together.
No one is an expert, no one is only student, we share our equipment and knowledge in order to articulate ourselves through high tech in novel ways.
Mz Baltazar's Laboratory offers women space to make electronics their own and realize interactive art projects.
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1st - 27th of March 2013
Andrés Senra
is an artist from Madrid who works mainly with video,
drawings, photography, actions and interventions in public space. His work
is about identity and its construction, from a personal and social point
of view. He´s also working into other issues such as the need or the
failure of utopia. During his stay in CRIR, he will be working on the
Project “alter Christiania” (videoart, drawings, photography) refering to
how the concept of "Utopia" is understood from each of us. He is
interested in the concept of utopia as a goal never reached and therefore
as self-critical process that takes into account the perspectives not only
of the community but of individuals.
Read an interview about his work and residency in CRIR (in spanish), it´s a well known art media in Spain:
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18th - 27th of February 2013
New Christiania movie:
"More Cooks"
51 min., 2012, made & screened on 16mm. Click to go to Husets Bio
Vises i Husets Biograf tirsdag 19. februar 2013 kl. 20. Billetter 50 kr. i døren.
Screening at the CRIR house in Grønnegade, Mælkebøtten Feb. 24 at 6 PM. (Free)
Shown at "Huset´´ Biograf", Copenhagen, Feb. 19. 2013 at 8 PM. Entrance: DKK 50
British filmmakers Mat Fleming, Deborah Bower and Harriet Plewis from "The Star and Shadow Cinema" in Newcastle to (re)visit Christiania, showing their movie shot in Christiania last year.
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1st - 15th of February 2013
Marius Abramavicius Neboisia
Marius Abramavicius Neboisia, an artist from the Republic of Uzupis (a unique republic in the capital of Lithuania, Vilnius) is photographing a cycle of portraits of people of Christiania - of those who live, create and act in Christiania, and those who share the spirit of Christiania. If you are willing to participate in the project and to join the intercommunication between Christiania and Uzupis, you are heartily welcome to contact Marius anytime. Marius is staying here till the 15th of February.
Tel:. +37067788238
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15th of January 2013
Pia Rönicke
Sound recordings
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20st - 26th of December 2012
Helen Jarvis
is Reader
in Social Geography at Newcastle University, UK.
She returns to Christiania to follow up on her research. She is author
of one of the articles in the book with research on Christiania:
'Space for Urban Alternatives' that can be downloaded here
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1st - 19th of December 2012
doing volontary work on the CRIR staircase
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October 12 - November 30 2012
Nichole Velasquez

Nichole Velasquez does environmental portraiture on analog film. He is
exploring several german concepts that he came across when he moved to
Nichole Velasquez is trying to release colour and form from their
descriptive functions on analog film, allowing emotional experience to
take center stage when viewing a portrait. He would like to make
environmental portraits of christiania and the community living in
His work can be viewed on: www.develasquez.com
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September 19th - September 30 2012
Albert Allgaier and Bernhard Garnicnig
collaborate on a number of spatial, artistic, communal and recreational
projects and processes
out of Vienna, Austria.
We run spaces and identities, established groups and companies and
participate in associations, communities and collectives.
Using a practice based research approach, we are interested in
exploring the idea of Collective Autonomy in the context of
We would like to focus on two aspects: the autonomy of practice -
choosing how we do things - in the context of the ideals and
practicalities in collectivity - who we do things with.
To find out, we make ourselves available to join existing collaborative
processes, be of help in return for an direct insight into the
established practices.
Learning about something while doing something else: Is there a
difference between how things get done in Christiania and the places we
did work before? How far does the idea of Autonomy relate to the
practices of getting things done? Is Christiania a different place in
practice or in spirit?
We are very curious about any projects we could join. Please get in
touch: albert.de.bernard@gmail.com
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September 4th - September 18th 2012
becca Journey
Becca Journey is a doctoral student in sociocultural anthropology at
the University of Chicago in the United States. She is interested in
the ways in which Christianites relate to space and practice forms of
ecological care.
In Christiania, she asks how the many different built forms of the
house shape social relations in the realm of the home. How do
Christianites practice singular forms of home-making and dwelling?
During her stay, Becca will give a presentation based on her
Master’s thesis work, a project that examines the social history
of an abandoned Brooklyn swimming pool and its recent reconfiguration
as a performance space and public venue.
If you would like to get involved with her work in Christiania, please
send an email to journey@uchicago.edu or visit the CRIR house by
September 18.
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All August 2012:
Philipp von hase
Exhibition at Gallopperiet, Christiania
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Movie: Paths Through Utopia - News
More from friends from the Star and Shadow Cinema in Newcastle!
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July 15 - July 29th 2012
alessandro Coppola
Paolo Pini, a large area located in the north of Milan, was the former
psychiatric hospital in the city of Milan. The Paolo Pini area has seen
the opening of a theatre, a hostel, a restaurant and the reuse of
decommissioned buildings as the location for social activities and for
the headquarters of small NGOs. A very popular summer festival has been
effective in attracting tens of thousands people in the once fortified
area offering a high quality program focused on social and mental
health issues.
Christiania represents in many ways the same kind of “urban
Alessandro will work on the design of a case-study focusing on:
1) the historical role of Christiania in the
development of innovative social and cultural practices successively
influential in the larger urban society;
2) the dynamic of conflict and resolution between
Christiania and public authorities;
3) the current role of Christiania as an urban
project characterized by functional and social mix, cultural
attractiveness and social innovation potential.
Alessandro Coppola (Milan, 1978) obtained his phd in urban studies at
University in Roma III. He has ben an International Fellow in Urban
Studies at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a research
associate at Cuny in New York City. He has worked for the Italian
Confederation of Labor (Cgil) as researcher and consultant.
He is currently a post-doc researcher in Urban Policy at Politecnico di
Milano. He teaches Urban Ethnography at the International Master in
Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano and Cultural and Urban Change
in Contemporary Italy at the Institute for the International Education
of Students (Ies Abroad) in Rome.
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Philipp von hase
July 9th - July 14 2012
Exhibition at Gallopperiet, Christiania

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July 1st - 8th 2012
Alberto vanolo

Alberto is a politico-economic geographer from the University of Turin,
During his stay in Christiania, he is willing to investigate the
impact of the recent agreement with the Danish state on the imaginary
of Christiania as space of transgression.
Focusing on the construction of the idea of Christiania as a
‘extra-ordinary’ place, he will analyze perceptions of
local activists and inhabitants, and representations in international
His main question is: will Christiania continue to be a laboratory for
transgression and social experimentation, or the pacification with the
Danish state will, to some degrees, limit the radical potential of the
Free Town?
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Philipp von hase
June 27th - July 1st 2012

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May 29th - June 26th 2012
Cassandra M. Burrows

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May 8th - May 22nd 2012
Lisa madsen - Brunette Bros.
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April 7th - May 6th 2012
Marijke Appelman
Artist, born 1979 in Haarlem (The Netherlands)
In her work Marijke Appelman explores all media as friction devices for
philosophical and aesthetic contemplation. The resulting work amounts
to an environmental art, but one whose environment is cultural instead
of natural.

Working with the principle of snail mail, she found the walks to the
post box the most memorable. Resulting in a postcard thanking for the
walk. During her stay at CRIR Marijke will continue these 'daily
walks', this time using the Christiana Post Office and accurately
capturing her findings.
Website: www.marijkeappelman.nl
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11th of March 2012 - 31st of March 2012
PhD Research Student
Human Geography
School of Environment and Development
University of Manchester
I am working on ideas of playfulness in green living and environmental
Although usually associated with children, play is an interesting
concept that has much wider relevance with links to creativity and
experimentation. It provides a way of challenging existing structures
and finding creative solutions, all of which are needed for the
transition towards a greener urban life.
I want to explore these dynamics in Christiania, learning about the
ways residents have dealt with practical challenges and environmental
concerns in a creative way.
What are the ideas, materials and spaces people “play”
with? And how can these be taken up elsewhere?
I am interested in the stories of the buildings, arrangements and
people, how they have shaped the place as it is today. I want to
observe and listen – but also play with the space to find
different ways of exploring and learning.
If you're interested in this, have ideas to share or want to join me on
some exploration, please get in touch: jana.wendler@gmail.com
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3rd of March 2012 - 11th of March 2012
Linas Svolkinas
Social anthropologist, Vilnius University
A continued research study.
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31st of January 2012 - 2nd of March 2012
Joanne Pang Rui Yun

Joanne Pang Rui Yun is an artist and designer based in Singapore and
Copenhagen. She lives and work in situ. Her practice deconstructs
meanings to re-present forms and language. She is interested in spaces
and the relationship between things. By transforming and creating new
experiences based on existing norms, definitions and systems, she
learns the possibilities and different facets of understanding life and
the spaces between. Her work has been featured in national newspaper
and magazines.
Currently, she is doing a MFA at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,
School of Visual Arts in Copenhagen, Denmark, where she researches into
the poetics between man and his surroundings.
During her time in Christiania, she will create an ephemeral piece that
combines objects, nature and people in the area. The work will seek to
negotiate the dialectics of order and disorder in response to the
organic nature of the place.
I have started a photo journal, and it will be constantly updated
during my stay in the CRIR:
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2nd of January 2012 - 30th of January 2012
process of consensus
Visit from Star and Shadow
Mat, Debbie, Oscar and Harriet

More cooks, more broth:
Mat Fleming, Deborah Bower, Oscar Fleming and Harriet Plewis are three
artists and one baby staying at the CRIR house for the month of
January. From Newcastle Upon Tyne, in the far north of England, they
help to run the Star and Shadow Cinema, a small home to creative people
and radicals and a hub for good times.
The cinema also runs by process of consensus decision-making in weekly
meetings. There are a lot of people in this small cinema!
They are making a film here in Christiania. They are not aiming to make
a documentary but something quite loose and creatively free. They want
to have conversations with Christianites every evening to form the plan
of what they will shoot the following day. Thus the film will be formed
by discussions.
If you would like to take part in the discussions and have a free
evening, please do email Deb, Mat and Harriet at crirguest@gmail.com or
ring them on 50 16 20 27.
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27th of December - 2th of January 2012
Visit from Lohmühle
This world famous (in Berlin) 20 year old squat visits Christiania
between Christmas and New Year. Lohmühle is predominantly known
for living off-grid (they produce their own energy), having a keen
focus on sustainable transition-measures and being a vibrant artistic
community. They have visited Christiania numerous times, but this is
the first official delegation.
If you are interested in what they believe in, what they offer and
their struggles - check out their homepage: http://www.lohmuehle-berlin.de
Or visit them in the CRIR-house between Christmas and New Years.
Contact: Babette <clownettebabette@live.de>
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21st. of December - 27. of December 2011
jeff silvertrust
Jeff is here for christmas - playing his one man band

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9th. of December 2011
Movie: Paths Through Utopia
/ Rejse Gennem Fremtiden
Arrangør: Gallopperiet/CRIR.Kitchen "Folkekøkken" 5 to 8
Film 9 PM
Discussion 10:30 PM - 12
Place: Gallopperiet, Loppebygningen, Christiania,
Baadsmandsstræde 43, Copenhagen Denmark
Free admission - Kitchen costs 20 DKK and barprices for beverages
“A passionate anarchist road movie” Le Monde.
Blurring the fluid boundaries between present and future, documentary
and fiction, Paths Through Utopias is a utopian road movie exploring a
postcapitalist Europe.
From the direct action Climate Camp set up illegally besides Heathrow
airport to a hamlet squatted by French art punks, occupied self-managed
Serbian factories to a free love commune in an ex Stasi base, a
Permaculture settlement to the free town of Christiania, this
magicorealist travelogue transports us to a parallel universe after an
economic and ecological collapse.
This debut feature by Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan from the The
Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination was shot during a real
journey through 11 European Utopias. It is part of a book-film project,
first published in France by La Découverte/Editions Zones and to
appear in germany in 2012.
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1st of December - 20th of December 2011
Ceren Akyos
Masters student at the University of Copenhagen, 4 Cities
Master Program in urban studies
Autonomous spaces create alternative cartographies in the urban
landscapes by shaping their own social practices and modes of
production within the frame of predetermined and planned
structures. By using the relatively free, undbound spaces in the
official mapping and organization of cities, the role of autonomous
spaces as points of creativity which would allow the formation of free
subjects becomes a prominent fieldwork.
The research in Christiania will evolve around this point of view
trying to answer the questions; Can autonomous spaces reenact the
dehierarchization and the reassembling of spatial structures in a
different way? Can they provoke existing structures and challenge the
stability of the general order by making them susceptible to
modification through the actions of people themselves?
The analysis will not only be at a surface level encompassing the
physical aspects of the place but will try to permeate into the social
structures, daily practices and ideals that came to create Christiania
as a free territory. It will include interviews and personal
observations as well as a comparison with different autonomous spaces
in Europe, such as the Occupatio in Spain, Centri Sociali in Italy and
DIY squats in these respective areas.
Contact cerenakyos@gmail.com
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27th of November - 30th of November 2011
Rupert Sheldrake
English scientist Rupert Sheldrake is giving a talk for the Science
& Cocktails program at Byens Lys, (Christiania's cinema):

In cooperation with
Jay Zulu from Fabriken, Christiania
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18th of october - 15th of november 2011
Sarah Minter
Video Documentary:
Summer in utopia
About the Christianianites struggle.
Please join for Grand Premiere. Free admittance.
Cinema Byens Lys in Fabriksområdet, Christiania
Sunday, November 20 at 5:30 PM sharp!

Mexican video artist
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25st of September
Sound documentary
national english radio 4
Listen here: The_Christiania_Effect_on_4
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26st of September
2 newspaper articles (in swedish)
at Stockholm based papers :
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24st of September
Seminar and book release:
NEW book
"Space for urban alternatives?
Christiania 1971-2011"
In connection with Christiania's 40th birthday (26 September),
Håkan Thörn, Cathrin Wasshede, Tomas Nilson, Ole Lykke and
Emmerik Warburg are organising two seminars on a book on Christiania
research that is published in September, and which will be available
for free
download (Books will also be handed out to those who come to
the seminar). We hope that many of you would want to come. Birthday
celebrations will go on all week.
Book release seminar
24 September 11.00
Galopperiet, Christiania
11.00 Anne Tietjen (University of Copenhagen), Erick Clark and Dalia
Mukhtar Landgren (Lund University),
14.00 Christianite panel: Lise Autogena, Johannes Brandt, Ole Lykke,
Jacob Reddersen
The book is edited by Håkan Thörn, Cathrin Wasshede and
Tomas Nilson, University of Gothenburg.
The Book is available
for free download on http://gupea.ub.gu.se.
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21st - 25th of September
Helen Jarvis
comes to Christiania to attend the 'Space for Urban Alternatives' book
seminar and for the (early) 40th anniversary celebrations, as well as
contributing to a panel (with Anders Lund Hansen) at Roskilde
University Centre.
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1st of August - 31th of August 2011
Xavier Almeida
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4th of July - 10th of July 2011
Abhimanyu pandey
studying the ideas, beliefs, practices and values that create
'happiness' for the people of the unique community of Christiania.
His proposal aims to bring out more of what the people of this
alternative society, themselves think about happiness and
life-satisfaction. It aims to conduct fieldwork through a questionnaire
with several open-ended questions. He is required to present an
academic paper on the fieldwork he has done at his Department,
University of Delhi.
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30th of May - 30th of June 2011
Sebastian Valentine Hernandez
Student of
Architecture, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Writing a
paper that will form the cornerstone of his future Architectural Thesis
in which he plans to explore ways of using Christiania’s model to
defend the Freetown and even propose the creation of more, similar
societies as a means of; re-appropriating unused space; refurbishing
degraded buildings; producing art; encouraging alternative forms of
living; fighting urban sprawl; and solving growing housing shortages in
urban centers everywhere.
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1st of May - 31st of May 2011
solution and instant architecture
research for
a handbook

Alternative ways of solving a problem with whatever is at hand, seeing
the possibility in discarded material, appreciating a different use to
the material, not just one way but many.
I would like to research Christiania from this angle, to document the
wide knowledge and alternative approach to this side of craftsmanship.
Finding alternative solutions, in everyday life and architecture. This
way of mending, solving a problem is both ecological and economically
more efficient, less demanding of resources. Giving a higher awareness
of what surrounds us and how this world functions. A lesser gap between
you and your everyday life reality.
This could be a way of making a slow resistance to our globalized Ikea
world dedicated to standardize your everyday life, standardize your way
of thinking and living, standardizing your way of integrating with
people and materea
The purpose of my possible stay in Christiania would be to collect
images of alternative usages and immediate solutions for everyday life
and a very immediate and original way of working with architecture.
Building a house around the windows you found or a tree that you want
to integrate rather than doing it by the handbook and having just time
efficiency and economical reasons for your decisions
How much could you train to see/experience solutions and possibilities
in a piece of wood, some tape and a nail. How much do you have to
ignore the western world of pacifying people, standardizing them into
thinking that they don’t have the skills or possibility to
mend/fix or do.
Having lived in Buenos Aires Argentina for 9 months I saw a lot of the
solutions of necessity, the immediate solution rather than solutions
based on surface aesthetic reasons, hiding the solution behind splines,
spackle and glossy boards
I would like to research and document this very special knowledge I
think I would find in Christiania. My research methods would involve
photography, sketch drawings, conversational interviews and
observations from walking around in Christiania.
Walking-talking and seeing.
I hope to have the possibility to have unpretentious small talks with
the people in Christiania, having the opportunity to be invited to see
and experience the everyday solutions. '
As for the result and method of distribution I would like to make a
manual of handy solutions seen in Christiania, to be distributed in
Christiania and the art institutions/galleries I´m in contact
with at the moment. I would seek funding for publishing, and would have
a print-on-demand from my webpage.
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9th of April - 30th of April 201
Helene Liliendahl Sørensen, Katrine Jørsum,
Mette Marie Kristensen og
Anah Maskell Knudsen
Project: We are interested in the
circumstances evolving around the ongoing conflict between Christiania
and the government regarding the government’s plan to normalize
Christiania. In our project we will look at how different groups of
people in Christiania cope with the situation and look at how the
present situation affects the society of Christiania.
Christiania is facing a possible normalization after the Supreme Court
decided that the Christianites don’t have the legal rights to
Christiania. Christiania and the Ministry of Finance are now going
through the last phase of the negotiations. The normalization can be
seen as a pressure on Christiania from the surrounding society, and
challenges the normal order of things in Christiania. Thus,
Christiania is in a difficult situation in which they are about to
negotiate their status as an alternative society, as well as their
We want to investigate which reactions and changes the pressure from
the government brings out among specific groups of inhabitants and
activists in Christiania, and how this reflects “the
normal” in Christiania.
The project will be conducted throughout April 2011 by Mette
Kristensen, Katrine Jørsum, Helene Liliendahl Sørensen
& Anah Maskell Knudsen, four students of anthropology from the
University of Copenhagen.
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30th of March - 7th of April 2011
Ellen Henriette Suhrke
Visual Arts at Kunsthøyskolen in Bergen, Norway.
"Jeg jobber med kombinasjoner av fotografi, tegning og tekst. Arbeidene
fremstilles som lineære fortellinger i bokform. Et av mine
interessefelter er relasjoner mellom mennesker og ville dyr i urbane
I min nyeste utgivelse On How to Attract the Hare tematiserer jeg den
voksende spredningen av ville harer i Helsinki sentrum, og byens
forsøk på å fjerne dem.
Jeg har bodd og studert i København tidligere, og har lenge
interessert meg for Christiania, spesielt på grunn av
innbyggernes relasjon til sine dyr.
Jeg har besøkt fristaden ved flere anledninger, sist i 2009, i
samarbeid med samfunnsviter Johan Falnes. I den forbindelse forfattet
Falnes en artikkel om Christianias hunder, et tema jeg ønsker
å videreutvikle.
Med utgangspunkt i Falnes´ tekst søker jeg om et opphold i
CRIR, Christiania.
Jeg ønsker å dokumentere hundenes tilstedeværelse i
fristaden, og deres interaksjon med hverandre, med sine eiere og med
andre christianitter.
Jeg ønsker også å observere og dokumentere
fristadens øvrige flora og fauna. Nedtegnelsene jeg gjør
i Christiania vil siden danne en lineær fortelling, og
fremstilles i bokform. Falnes´ vil moderere sine tekster, som vil
utgjøre bokens for- eller etterord. Hans fakta-baserte
formspråk vil kontrastere og gi faglig tyngde til mine subjektive
Jeg vil sette sammen materialet, som siden vil trykkes og publiseres.
Utgivelsen vil distribueres til utvalgte butikker og bokhandler, samt
innad i Christiania."
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A public talk at Colombia University, New York
A public talk
on the famed squatters’ community in Denmark
and SPRING 2011 OPEN HOUSE for the
Oral History Master of Arts Program (OHMA).
Click for details.
WHO: Oral historian and former squatter Amy Starecheski talks about her
oral histories of Christiania. Also, staff of the Oral History
Master of Arts (OHMA) program will be on hand to answer questions
from prospective students!
WHEN: Thursday, March 24, 2011, 6:30-8:00pm.
WHERE: Columbia University, Schermerhorn Building, Room 754. Enter
campus at 116th Street, at either Broadway or Amsterdam. Map
AMY STARECHESKI WRITES: I had always wanted to go to Christiania, a
squatted neighborhood of one thousand people in Copenhagen,
Denmark. It is world-famous among anarchists, utopianists, punk
rockers and squatters. The residents have now occupied 85 acres of
downtown land for almost forty years: raising children, creating art,
running businesses, building homes and making all of their decisions by
consensus... (Continues here.)
MORE ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Amy Starecheski is an oral historian, former
squatter, and doctoral student in cultural anthropology at the CUNY
Graduate Center. She co-directs Columbia University’s Oral
History Summer Institute. She is now working on dissertation research
with former squatters in New York City. If you’re interested in
participating in that project, please email amy.starecheski [at] gmail
[dot] com.
SPONSORS: This talk is part of the "Oral History Workshop Public
Lecture Series," co-sponsored by the Oral History
Research Office (OHRO), and the Oral History
Master of Arts Program (OHMA). OHMA is supported by the Institute for Social and Economic
Research and Policy (ISERP).
MORE INFO: The short link, to share via Facebook, Twitter, or email. http://bit.ly/hDIJ3B
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2nd of March - 27th of March 2011
Linas Svolkinas, Vilnius
1 Some research ideas:
The word Christiania refers to an alternative
community in Copenhagen, Denmark. Christiania was established in a
vacated military base in 1971. People, who established Christiania,
came from various social backgrounds. For almost forty years
Christianites have been practicing alternative lifestyle.
The intended four months of stay should be seen in relation to my
previous research in Christiania. In the MA thesis I investigate how
people in Christiania construct and negotiate collective identity. What
are issues, paradoxes and dilemmas? What are collective values and
ideals? How do people create them? In which ways ideals are shared?
What are social institutions which reinforce collective values and
social categories? How do people transmit collective ideals and values?
My study is a long term study, based on intimate knowledge of local
events, people’s lives, different interpretations of
collective ideals.
I also have a unique opportunity because I am fluent in Danish and I
established good relations with Christianites.
2 Methodology I will approach the social life through the method of
participant observation. This method includes various operations in the
field. This approach requires from a researcher to establish and
maintain a long term relation with his/her research subjects.
3 Communication of the project I expect to communicate the results of
this project among the academic community of social anthropologists in
the Baltic States, Denmark and elsewhere. My intention defines the
method of distribution. I expect to publish one article in an academic
journal. The second method is that of public lecturing. Since, the name
of Christiania is well known abroad, quite often I was asked to give a
public lecture. I intend to continue with giving public lectures on
various issues in Christiania.
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14th of February - 28th
of February 2011
Mark Sauer
Criminology at Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
"Tryghed – Tillid til OverDanmark"
En opgave om tryghed for nogle af de borgere, som lever med
høje risiko(risikofaktorer) og udsathed. Risikofaktorer der
rør sig dynamisk i samfundet, såsom
bandekonflikten, mediernes skrivelser, politikernes involvering og
politiets strategi over for borgerne på Christiania.
Ordet tryghed er på det nærmeste blevet trend at
bruge. Tryghed bliver nævnt hos politiet, som et centralt
punkt for at kunne analysere, om hvorvidt deres virksomhed
formår at udøve nødvendig
hjælp og støtte til borgere i Danmark.
Målinger og forskning analyserer hvilke faktorer der kan
være udslagsgivende for, om man føler sig tryg.
Trygheden er generelt høj i Danmark, men tryghed
hænger unægteligt sammen med andre faktorer, som
måden, vi lever og oplever verden omkring os på.
Spørgeskema undersøgelse (Kvantitativt) forventet
100 pers.
Interview (kvalitativt) forventet 10 pers.
Opgaven vil blive gjort tilgængelig for studerende
Københavns universitet samt benyttet under foredrag for
myndigheder og kommuner.
Efter at opgaven er blevet evalueret på Københavns
universitet af vejleder (Flemming Balvig) og bedømt, ville
være muligt at kunne læse den og booke et foredrag.
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3rd January - 30th
January 2011
Alexandros Tsakiridis
Student from
Greece, studying in the Faculty of Social Sciences of Copenhagen
University, Political Sciences.
"One field in
which I am very much interested in, is Utopias and Social Experiments.
In this way, being in Denmark is a great opportunity for me to discover
at first hand the organization of Freetown Christiania and try to
deeply apprehend the way of life and culture of being a christianite.
In the light of
this evidence, I am attending a course named 'Collective Identities'
and the subject of my exam paper will try to deal with the Christiania
Discourse and in consequence the Christianite Identity. Practically, it
will be a deep approach of the political public language that
Christiania uses to propose its political project and in these terms a
great opportunity to experience the particular identity of the
'christianite'. The theory on which I will base my analysis, is
post-structuralism and more specifically critical discourse analysis.
Moreover, i will use Lacanian approach to social and political analysis
and Zizek's -who builds on the psychoanalyst thinker- theory on
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6th December - 2nd
January 2011
Silla Virmajoki
Photographer. a student of NORTH KARELIA COLLEGE,
Technology and
Her goal is to make a photographic research of today's
inhabitants' lives in the freetown.
wants to explore
people in Christiania live
the system works
see and show how the
pressure coming from outside affects the community
why it is worth of
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1st of December - 6th of
Robert Listwan
Visual artist
from Poland setting up his exhibition in Gallopperiet

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1st of November - 30th
of November 2010
Henrik Busk
for an exhibition "Tales on Det Ny Samfund". Det Ny
up alternative camp "Thylejren" in North West Jutland 1970.

Henrik Busk
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5th of October - 1st of
November 2010
Samuel Lancaster
Jakobsen. RUC
investigation of the opinion of Christianites
upon the
City of Copenhagen planned bicycle road through Christiania.
5 participants from Roskilde University (a project under
City and process) set up their office.
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28th of September - 5th
of October 2010
Andras Vegh
visual artist setting up his exhibition at
Andras Vegh
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23rd of September
- 27nd of September 2010
Marianne Rydvald
Restoring her wall
painting at the Christiania Corner Entrance
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2nd of September - 22nd
of September 2010
Lindsay Cottam
writing an article for "Big Issue" (homeless magazine in UK)
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22nd of August
- 1st of September 2010
Emily Weinstein
is currently at work on a book about self-governing
autonomous zones, alternative lifestyles.
The research and writing she
has already conducted includes her travels through virtually
self-governing corners of rural Northern California, as well as the
anarchist compounds of Germany and Austria. It is her mission to both
observe and become a part of various outsider, self-governing, and
otherwise resistant cultures, so that her writing comes from firsthand
experience. She comes to CRIR with a number of questions. Among these
are; How does the process of making a transient or temporary community
more permanent strengthen or threaten its original stated goals? How
does an autonomous community in an urban center differ from one that is
isolated in the wilderness?
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19th of August 2010
CRIR researcher Amy
Starecheski talks at

free state needs
its own caution tape, with its own flag, photo Amy Starecheski
Come to the book café at Ungdomshuset Overdrevet at 8 PM on
Thursday, August 19 for a talk and slide show by NYC squatter,
anthropologist, oral historian and current Christiania Researcher in
Residence Amy Starecheski. Amy will tell the story of
squatting in New York City, from the South Bronx to the Lower East
Side, using photographs and oral histories. The talk will be followed
by a discussion about the implications of legalizing squats, in
Copenhagen and elsewhere.
As Overdrevet (Ungdomshuset) settles into their new, legal space, and
Christiania continues to try to negotiate a legal agreement with the
state, let’s come together to discuss the legalization of
squats and compare experiences. The talk and the discussion will take
place in English and are free of
charge. Before the talk, at 7 p.m., a vegan folk kitchen will be served
at the price of twenty DKK.
Please feel free to contact Amy at amy.starecheski@gmail.com if
you’re interested in participating in her research on the
legalization of squats in Copenhagen and NYC.
the announcement here
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7th -31st of July 2010
Laurie Mittelmann
Researcher and journalist
While living in Christiania, I will engage in several research and writing activities:
1. I will observe and interview Christiania residents in order to determine how values, which are espoused and practiced in areas of communal living, shape concepts of identity as well as notions of belonging to a particular space. I will seek to write an ethnography which will contribute to anthropological studies of home, the construction so defining to identify, and draw attention to the development of culture within Christiania. I will prepare copies of the ethnography to present to the Christiania Research in Residence program, as well as to residents in Christiania and students and faculty at Sarah Lawrence College, in the United States. I will aim to publish the paper in an anthropology journal, as well as publish a non-fiction essay in news journals in the United States and in Europe.
2. I will pitch articles to newspapers concerning events which are happening during the summer, when I am in Christiania.
3. I will collaborate with Rolando Politi, a New York artist, in making art from recycled materials. This project will raise questions as to what is considered garbage, as well as increase awareness of the need for sustainable practices, and the alternative means by which they may be reached.
4. I will attend, when permitted, many of the programs and workshops sponsored by residents of Christiania.
In all, I would value the opportunity to work alongside residents of Christiania and Rolando Politi during the summer, and I would welcome the chance to participate in Christiania’s programs and contribute to Christiania’s mission to advance sustainability and community within the village, as well as within Copenhagen and the larger world. At the same time, my own scholarly efforts would profit significantly from being able to engage with the residents at Christiania, and from being able to put their lives into a narrative form for the world.
See: Morus - Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
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7th -31st of July 2010

Rolando Politi is an
artist from the
lower east side of NYC his
philosophy is to elevate trash waste and garbage to a higher ZEN LEVEL
OF RESPECT since trash still has a negative connotation rather than
being considered a resource in most places and it is looked upon as
INVISIBLE. In CRIR he will collect, repackage and
types and sizes of KAPS & LIDS and possibly patent or copyright
assembly & doweling system. The concept is parallel to LEGO but
unlike LEGO the KAPPO system would not of course use vergin
resources and more importantly it would stimulate a "circular"
rather than a "square" one. Since LEGO was born in Danmark it seems
normal to me that KAPPO should also spawn out of Danmark.
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of June -7th of July 2010
Fagner Marçal
from Brazil researcher in CRIR

Marçal is a Brazilian Architect with a particular interest
in how relationships are formed between temporary artistic activities
and public space. While at CRIR, he will explore the
particularities of Christiania's open spaces and how they are
perceived and used.
See his extensive research and proposals here: brazilianinchristiania.blogspot.com
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16th of June 2010
CRIR call for

house photo Amy Starecheski
We are happy
to announce that CRIR will continue in our current house till at least
September 2011 with possibility for prolongation. We are looking
forward to hear your thoughts, projects and research proposal
residencies in the timespan September 2010 - September 2011
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22nd of May-6th of June
in Collaborative Homes and

Helen Jarvis (PhD)
an urban social geographer from
University, UK. She came to Christiania (with her 8 year old daughter
Miriam) in May/June 2010 to explore, ethnographically, the social and
spatial organisation of homes and daily life in different areas of the
community. Her research methods involved photography, sketch
drawings, conversational interviews and participant observations from
visits made to a number of different homes. (The fact that her daughter
made friends with Christianitter children also provided unexpected
insight of home and family life.) Her close study of living
arrangements in Christiania forms part of a wider international project
to learn about different collective and collaborative living
arrangements and the patterns of social and material architecture
required to support sharing and a less individualistic and energy
intensive lifestyle. Other case studies include cohousing in the USA,
Denmark and Sweden, housing cooperatives, ecovillages and intentional
communities in the UK and Australia.
Helen can be contacted by email on Helen.jarvis AT ncl.ac.uk
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13-21 of May 2010
Brindalyn Webster at CRIR

Christiania's Researcher in Residence from May 13-21 2010, Brindalyn
Webster spent her time collecting oral histories and definitions of
normalization from Christianites, filming Christiania's landscape and
planting a catnip forest for feral cats. A resulting project will be
shown soon at: www.brindalyn.com
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6th-12th of May 2010
Kymäläinen & Sami Rannila
Kymäläinen is an adjunct professor in urban geography
at the
University of Turku
Sami Rannila is an environmental theatre director at Linnateatteri.
stayed at CRIR house in May 2010. The purpose of their stay was to get
ideas about the alternative usages of urban public spaces and about the
ways of participating in the development of one’s
neighborhood. Kymäläinen
and Rannila are also interested in
how the special legal status of Christiania
reflected in the sity of Turku.
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26th of April-5th of May
Alberto Vanolo
Alberto Vanolo is
carrying on a research concerning
Christiania as a
creative space. In fact, the Free Town is arguably a lively innovative
milieu, nurturing arts, social experimentations, ideas and original
architectural solutions. Beside the fact that, from this perspective,
Christiania is becoming more and more a relevant space in the eyes of
the market economy and in the promotion of an idea of
Copenhagen”, the aim of the research is to analyse how much
its creative potential is connected to the specificities of the local
social framework, and particularly to the limitation of many market
logics and pressures. If interested in a draft version of the paper,
please contact by email:
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26th of March -5th of
April 2010
Cheryl J. Fish, New York
How does Christiana's
challenge to privatization enable
sustainable and artistic outcomes? How is it a model community, and
what lessons can be learned? How does the community of
Chrisitania represent itself from the inside, and how has its
reputation changed over time? I spent 10 days at Christiania
in late March/early April, 2010, interviewing residents, and met with
activist/artist Britta Lillesøe to get a sense of the recent
film project she is working on, and she talked about Christiania's own
"bottom meeting" during the large Climate Change Summit in
Copenhagen. This is part of a larger project on alternative communities
in Scandinavia, and how writers, filmmakers and activists are
conceptualizing the "ecosocial,"which focuses on traumatized cultural
histories that play out in built as well as natural environments. I
have written about American literature, film and architecture, and how
it intersects with environmental justice activism , and have spent time
in Scandinavia as a Fulbright scholar and researcher. Even though I
spent only a short time in Christiania , I found hope and frustration
there among different residents, and different visions for its future
in light of the meaning of its past..It is a fascinating place that
captures the imagination and evokes the potential for synergy and
collabation--Perhaps I will return and continue this
research. Cheryl J. Fish, Ph.D., Professor of English, City
University of New York.
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February 2010
Miriam golja

Golja in front of their squat JallaJalla in AKC Metelkova, Ljubljana
Golja was
giving a talk about Metelkova;an autonomous
social center in the middle of Ljubljana, Slovenia. It is located on
the site of former military barracks and was squatted September 1993.
Download Mirjams presentation here (Powerpoint/Open Office 28 MB) Read more on Wikipedia here
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19th of October 2009
Open CAll for 2010
Researcher in Residence (CRIR) offers residency for artists and
academic researchers from January 1st to September 1st 2010.
the entire open call for 2010
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2nd March 2010
Claire Robinson

Robinson is a BSc student studying Photography, with the university of
Surrey. She has a specific interest in social documentary and
community based projects.She came to Christiania to document the
commune from an outsiders point of view. Claire has been in CRIR on two
occasions. |
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18th of September 2009
has a new space
welcome new
now on and until 1. September 2010 and with possibility for
prolongation we can continue our activities in Grønnegadehuset
at Mælkebøtten in Christiania. We hereby also call
for new
applications and proposals for the coming year. CRIR
is Copenhagens longest running independent residency program
Danish and international artists and researchers to study matters
related to selforganization and all aspects of life in Christiania.
Read more about the application procedure above in how to apply.
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14th of May 2009
Christiania - Our heart
is in your hands
screening of a work-in-progress documentary film
By Richard Jackman and Robert Lawson
Thursday the
14th of May at 20:00
Place: Mælkebøttens Fællesrum,
minutes in
English. A
short discussion will follow the screening.
Bente Morén, Nis Jensen, Cornelius C.L. Corneliussen, Lars
Haugaard, Hélène-Claire Jensen, Kristian
Lyk-Jensen and
Anders Thorsen.
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23. April 2009
69 filmen i

Still fra filmen |
Nikolaj Viborg,
der er resident i CRIR i denne
måned viser filmen 69 i
Fællesrum på Christiania, Torsdag den 23.
april kl 20
Alle er
Læs mere her og se traileren: www.69filmen.dk
Nikolaj er startet på en film om Christiania og vil
følge udviklingen på CA over en længere
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of March
Premiere at Byens Lys
CRIR and CreActive
Filmhouse shows Antonia & Maja´s film "Bevar
Christiania" in
Christianias cinema "Byens Lys". The screening is the 18th of Marts
2009 at 20:00.
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of March 2009
Claudio Dolores IS
resident in march
the 9th of March at 19.00
Concert at VerdensKulturCentret Nørre Allé 7
The Brazilian artist and musician Claudia Dolores performs her own
songs and compositions with backing from local musicians
Tuesday 10th of March at 19:00
Documentary and talk, at
VerdensKulturCentret Nørre Allé 7
Dolores tells about life in the areas where people don't own land and
about womens situation there. She will also show a documentary film.
Free entrance both nights. |
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25th of November 2008
We are moving out of the
house we
have been using for the past years and we are therefor looking into
possibilities for continuing CRIR. We
will post on mailing lists internationally and on this page if /when we
accept new applications. We wish to thank the residents at
Mælkebøtten for hosting the project until now, as
well as
for the hospitality we and the residents have met in
Mælkebøtten and throughout Christiania.
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of December 2008
movie by
CreaCtive Sisters Film House
sisters; Antonia
and Maja Giannoccaro
have stayed with CRIR on two occasions in 2006 and 2007 and as a result
have produced a 83 minutes documentary about Chriatiania. They have
documented life and the everyday in
Christiania and have asked a number of socio-political questions to
residents on their relation to the rest of Copenhagen and life in the
free city. |
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8th of August 2008
Evil Knievel; High on
Christiania, 8. august – 31. august, 2008,
tirsdag-søndag kl. 12-18.
Fernisering: Fredag den
august, kl. 19-24 (kollektiv performance kl. 21 og musik kl. 22-24).
Siden 2000 har Evil
på den internationale kunstscene med sine
spektakulære og udfordrende
performances. Nu er han kommet til Galloperiet på Christiania
udstillingen "Evil Knievel - High on Life". Udstillingen markerer
begyndelsen på en ny retning i hans værk, hvor han
udforsker den
amerikanske ånds forhold til spiritualitet gennem den
Under sit tre ugers ophold på Christiania vil Evil
Knievel således ikke blot udvide sit 'billedrepertoire', men
hele sin
professions koncept. Gennem meditation og sociale aktiviteter vil han
grunde og blive et med bevægelsen "High on Life!"
består af en installation og en performance. På
Galloperiet vil Evil
Knievel invitere indenfor i en totalinstallation af beduinertelt og
høstakke. Her kan publikum konsultere den litteratur han
studerer og se
hans nye serie af såkaldte motivation posters, billeder der
inspirere dig til at opdage din egen, helt særlige
åndelige styrke. Det
er do-it-yourself coaching for dig der vil noget stort med livet,
ligesom Evil Knievel. Installationen vil også danne rammen om
en række
events, hvor film (torsdage) og mad (fredage) er medierne
til at udforske den amerikanske ånds spiritualitet.

installationen vil Evil Knievel hver dag et sted på
volde sidde i et hul under en baldakin og meditere 5 timer. Ved
udstillingens slutning vil han rejse sig, oplyst og begynde arbejdet
med High on Life. Information om meditationen indgår som en
af installationen på Galloperiet.
er kurateret af Jacob
Lillemose og støttet af Goethe Instituttet og de to
residency- programmer CPH AIR og CRIR.
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30 July - 8 August, 2008

Robbins and Douglas Paulson will be in Copenhagen Sleeping in
Spandrels, from 30 July to August 9, 2008. SPANDRELS are unplanned-for
spaces, forgotten architectural details, like the triangular space left
beneath a stairwell, between an arch and the ceiling, under a bridge,
behind a door: The term has been adopted by many professions to
indicate the re-use of structures for purposes other than the
originally intended - even body parts!
In this spirit of creating unintended uses, Douglas Paulson and
Christopher Robbins will turn the water-borne Spandrels of Copenhagen
into places to sleep. As part of Parfyme Deluxe's Harbour Laboratory,
they will scour the waterways of Copenhagen for spandrels, and build
structures for sleeping. Once they complete a structure, they will test
it by sleeping in it that night, and then move on to their next, or
else refine as needed, and re-test.
Now, this project will not take place in Christiania. Rather, it is an
attempt to apply Christiania-inspired ideals of alternative urban
architecture, collective ownership, and societal interventions into the
city of Copenhagen.
images from the projects
a PDF describing the project as DIY
Se also: www.christopher-robbins.com & www.douglaspaulson.com
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July 2008
The Higher
Academy of Happiness visits Christiania
world usually measures how well a
society is doing by its economy – GDP. There is a real
interest now
though in GNH – Gross National Happiness. Denmark is seen as
one of
the happiest places in the world. Christiania is its most famous
social experiment. The Higher Academy of Happiness has
therefore identified Christiania as
a model of practice to develop the criteria for their new Happiness in
the Workplace Awards..
The Academy’s consultant will be
conducting action research via work experience placements, dialogue
with random strangers, balloon games and time and motion studies. The
inquiry will use the arts and experiential learning to produce data
that defines good work and how it can be valued, and on job
satisfaction and well-being in the workplace. Residents will be asked
to engage as reflective practitioners in this groundbreaking research
to share what they know with each other and the world outside.

Rae Chapman trades under the name of the Higher Academy of Happiness,
using art as a way of doing research on the good life. |
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june 2008
Local History Museum.
A study by Rasmus Blædel Larsen
perform their most fruitful public service by providing an educational
experience in the broadest sense: by fostering the ability to live
productively in a pluralistic society and to contribute to the
resolution of the challenges we face as global citizens."
based on research at the Copenhagen City Museum, at the library of
Museology and fieldwork at 7 local history museums in Denmark; the
project's aim is to present an economically feasible, an academically
viable and a location-sensitive model for a future history-museum about
Christiania. The project is part of an ethnological apprenticeship at
the City Museum of Copenhagen – and will result in a report,
which will
be endorsed by the Museum, then submitted to the University, and
finally serve as a possible starting-point for the creation of a local
history museum in/about Christiania. The Last phase of the project is
to register objects inside Christiania, which may be part of a future
collection. The objects are photographed, catalogued, and the story or
stories the object represents are documented – and hopefully
the result
will be a fine initial virtual collection of objects and a burlesque
edifying anthology of stories – which may serve as the
cornerstone of a
future 'House-of-Experiences-so-Far'.
objects, photographs, documents, reports, ideas - are wholeheartedly
also where to request a copy of the report - in danish) |
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-8th of July
Georgoupli from Greece IS resident
and thanks to my MA , I have come in
contact , with various
journalists from all over the world . And although all of them
follow the news I was surprised to find out that only one or of them
know the story of Christiania . That motivated me to dedicate my
Thesis project , a fifteen minute documentary for radio to
Christiania and its current situation . My project will look into the
problems that Christiania is facing with the government, what will
be done after the decision taken on the 2nd of July . At the same time will try to lively present the real life
of Christiania , with the help of the citizens and their stories in an
effort to explain to the audience how does this community exactly
works .
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20th of
May 2008
The film about law and
justice in Christiania made by Nicoline van Harskamp during her CRIR
residency has
been screened and exhibited in the following places:
2008, Taipei Biennial, Taipei
February 2008, Gasworks, London
February 2008, Shedhalle, Zürich
January 2008, International Film Festival, Rotterdam
November 2007, Insa Art Space for the Arts Council Korea,
September 2007, ACU cinema, Utrecht
September 2007, Galopperiet, Christiania
July 2007, Libertarian Party of the Netherlands
June 2007, Dutch Anual Anarchist Meeting
April 2007, Arsenal Art, Poznan
March 2007, Casco Projects, Utrecht |
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10th of May 2008
Uta koegelsberger
- photographer

has been working on the Paradise series.
Watch a conversation with lisa Le Feuvre below about the work below:
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10th of May 2008
As we
have the
possibility to continue using the wonderful house at
Mælkebøtten till at least the 1st of November 2008
we now
welcome applications for a residency at the CRIR. In general we grant
stays of 2-3 weeks at a time unless the specific project needs a
different time frame. We consider applications on a running basis, so
the sooner we receive it the better
Take a look at the menu above: "how to apply".
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10th of May 2008
Paths Through Utopias,
Isa Fremeaux & John
and artist John
Jordan and Isa
Fremeaux have
visited CRIR in march and
April as a part of a dvd and publishing
project. John Jordan was among other things a central figure in the
creation of the Reclaim
the Streets movement."Paths
Through Utopias" is a book/dvd project which explores the possibility
of pragmatic utopias existing within a deeply dystopian historical
moment. It involves a 7 month journey across Europe visiting
approximately 15 Utopian experiments. These range from a low impact
permaculture community living in benders on a hill in Devon to a
squatted Somalian embassy run by refugees in Brussels, from an
anarchist School that has existed for 20 years in southern Spain to an
occupied factory on the Edges of Belgrade.
See a short presentation here
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10th of April
Public Pen-Pal Project
just a bit more than two weeks in January I got to live in
Christiania’s researchers in resident apartment in
Mælkebøtten and
wander around Christiania and Copenhagen hearing the exciting stories
of the free city, how some of you got here and what it means to you.
I’m looking to share those stories a bit wider with a Public
Project (PP-PP). One part community development research, one part art
project PP-PP is looking for a few people in Christiania who are
willing and interested in exchanging letters and stories with public
housing residents in Toronto, Canada. While these two communities are
very different one thing they both have in common is that they are
facing the threat of being removed through government sponsored
gentrification. Whether it’s called normalization, or as in
revitalization, this new development is threatening to erase the
everyday stories that make these palaces unique.
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9th of April 2008
SYMBOLISM, Rosario Ugarte

symbolism is an ongoing photo documentary project which looks forward to to
understand Christiania’s ideas, foundations and beliefs in
order to identify its
contribution to our global society and the coming generations.
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25th of March 2008
Inger Wold Lund; U·to·pi·a

with the Ferdinand Institute, on the quest for Utopia I quickly came
to realize that my trip would take unexpected turns. Things were
different than I had expected. I was different than I had expected. I
found it hard to include people in my work. I put up posters for
people to write on if they had any ideas of where Utopia was to be
found, but the answers didn’t get me far. “Et sted
i Skåne”
(a place in Skåne), “Et rent offentlig
toalett” (a clean
public toilet) and “Om du blot ville hengive dig til
mig” (if you
would simply surrender yourself to me) seemed like solutions better
then the ones I had come up with, but they didn’t get me
there. I
felt naïf. What superpowers did I think I had, getting myself
out on an expedition like that? I really wasn’t feeling very
And I was wearing my heart in short sleeves. It was not even
to follow
in the
old explorers footsteps I got hold of several maps of Copenhagen. I
trusted my gut feeling, Utopia was to be found, but I realized that
my sense of direction couldn’t be trusted. Inspired by
Christiania’s slogan “Christiania, you have my
heart”, and my
own dubious bloodsupplier, I drew a number of routes shaped as
hearts. I took the bike that so generously was offered to me and
biked away. In heart shapes. Looking for Utopia. Sometimes people
joined me. Sometimes I met people on the road. Sometimes I invited
them for dinner. One time I biked farther then I had the powers to
do. I got really angry, and didn’t even appreciate the albino
that popped out around every corner, although that’s the kind
thing that I have seen pictured on drawings of Utopia. I am still not
sure if I passed Utopia. Once, inside Christiania, while lying in a
fine mans arms he told me that what I was looking for was right
there. I don’t know though.
visualized my
trips. I
found that the best way to show what I was doing. Inspired by the
esthetics I saw around me in Christiania, I used thick black marker
on the maps I had gotten hold of. All I left visible was the heart I
had biked the outline of. It felt right. That was as far as I could
see, and as close as I could be. I gave one map away to the man that
said I had found Utopia. He said he wished I would stay, but I left.
weeks later I
found out
that the reason I was not feeling well was anemia)
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1st of February 2008
arriving in here I realised that I did not want to look at Christiania
but from it, this place has so many observers wanting to learn its
supposed secrets, some benign some less so, and I did not feel that I
wanted to do this.
I was interested in the whole ‘paranoia’ about
that we all have, control over our image and our identity, combined
with the collection of huge amounts of unnecessary data that
governments and companies store on our actions and movements.
This is particularly close to the surface in a place like Christiania
at a time like this. I decided therefore to go out into
Copenhagen and secretly film the people going in and out of various
government buildings, mainly parts of the Finance Ministry as they now
deal with Christiania. This was for me a form of symbolically
redressing the balance; you film us, we film you.
Read the
article here
weblink for the video is:
http://www.trayner.org/crir/watching.htm |

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January 2008

For just a bit more than two weeks in January I got to live in Christiania’s researchers in resident apartment in Mælkebøtten and wander around Christiania and Copenhagen hearing the exciting stories of the free city, how some of you got here and what it means to you.
Now I’m looking to share those stories a bit wider with a Public Pen-Pal Project (PP-PP). One part community development research, one part art project PP-PP is looking for a few people in Christiania who are willing and interested in exchanging letters and stories with public housing residents in Toronto, Canada.
While these two communities are very different one thing they both have in common is that they are facing the threat of being removed through government sponsored gentrification. Whether it’s called normalization, or as in Toronto revitalization, this new development is threatening to erase the everyday stories that make these palaces unique.
Sheryl-Ann Simpson
Sheryl-Ann in finally finishing up her MA in Community Development and Planning at Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts in the United States, and her research focuses on how large-scale government and business decisions impact our everyday lives and spaces. With a Public Pen-Pal Project she is hoping to link individuals living in very different locations who, nevertheless, are dealing with perhaps surprisingly similar situations. The goal is to allow people to share their stories, reflect critically on their own experiences, and, just like childhood pen-pals, hopefully create an opportunity for new friendships across distance.
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December 2007
Christiania: Our Heart
is in Your Hands
Richard Jackman and
Robert Lawson, Bus No. 8 will be screened on Sunday, 16
at 19:00 in Byens Lys in the Fabriken building in Christiania. The
video is about 40 minutes and there will be a brief question and answer
period following.
See the website: www.busno8.com
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03rd November
Angela Dorrer in CRIR

New resident for
November is Artist Angela Dorrer. You can follow her project at the
Urban Pilgrim homepage where you can also take part by filling in
questionnaire. Go
to Urban
Pilgrims homepage
press release for the Christiania project
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of October
Cyrano from Brazil,
resident in October
has been working
in a variety of social justice organizations and have been here to
learn from Christiania and put these experiences back to use in Bazil
read his blog here
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of October
Seminar on Democracy in
the 11.th of October at 20:00 at Gallopperiet
What is
needed to regain trust in the communal meeting?
When it's the same Christianites coming again and again, is it then
because of an in-efficient meeting form?
Is the communal meeting to be strengthened or shut down?
invites you for an evening about democracy in
Introduction by Jakob Kærgaard,
has studied the structure of Christiania's meetings during the communal
meeting in the spring.
his study
and proposals here (pdf)
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6th of October 2007
Exhibition; CRIR
2004-2007 at GAllopPeriet

research and
projects made in the last three years in connection to CRIR. It can be
seen 6th-28th of October inside Christiania at the Gallopperiet.
download the list of
(.doc in Danish)
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September 2007
3rd Generation
Alfred Birkegaard
Hansted is resident at CRIR in September in relation to a
research for a film about the youth in Christiania centering round
Rosinhuset that is also situated in mælkebøtten.
How to rebel in a society that is already in a state of rebellion? How
do the young people relate to the world outside the town of Christiania
and how are they perceived from the outside? How is it being a teenager
living in a different society?"
a short
description of the film here (pdf 5 Mb)
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of July 2007
Kayle Brandon: THE Dogs
of christiania

revisiting CRIR to finish her study of the dogs of Christiania, above
animation by Kayle Brandon 2007.
See the Site here: http://irational.org/kayle/dogs
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of July 2007
Guests from Bethanien in
have been making an exhibition at Gallopperiet, press below:
squat resist
Christiania 7. – 29. July.
hjertet af
står Bethanien – det først besatte hus i
Siden December 1971 har forskellige grupper beboet, kæmpet
for -
og brugt det statelige gamle sygehus. Siden nedlæggelsen af
sygehusfunktionen i 1960´erne har kommunen ønsket
skille sig af med ejerskabet – nedrivning, privatisering og
række visionsløse lokalplaner har konstant truet
eksistens. Men husets skiftende beboere har aldrig givet op og i
efteråret 2006, efter en intens forhandlingsrunde og politisk
lobbyisme, lykkedes det at få en lovliggørelse
plads og signeret af de stridende parter. Nu forestår den
vanskelige og konfliktrige udmøntning af aftalen.
denne beskrivelse et déjá vu i læseren,
kom på Gallopperiet - se og lær om hvordan man
sig i Berlin - Tyskerne kommer!!
vil blive vist
film og foranstaltet div. Udvekslingsaftaler.
Stadens Museum for Kunst, 1440
Tir.-Søndag 14-19. Fri entre. Fernisering:
7. juli kl. 15.
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5th of May 2007
Anders Lund Hansen
Resident in May
Hansen is a researcher and teacher at the Department of
Social and Economic Geography, Lund University. Lund Hansen has a Ph
Licentiate and PhD degree in Human Geography from Lund University, and
a BA in Geography and MSc in Human Geography, both from University of
Copenhagen. In the fall terms of 2002 and 2004, he was visiting
research scholar at Center for Place Culture and Politics, The Graduate
Center of the University of New York (CUNY). Anders Lund
special interests are political economy, urban social theory, uneven
development, urban space wars, globalization, gentrification, urban
politics and property markets. For five years he has been an elected
board member of the non-profit housing assosiation Lejerbo
Through this work he has taken active part in the production of the
urban space of Copenhagen. He also experiments with filmmaking.
an article for the
local paper "Christianshavneren"
about the rebuilding of "Cigarkassen"
( .doc format in Danish)
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4th of April 2007
Kayle Brandon: THE Dogs
of christiania

artist Kayle Brandon is going to make a work that comments on how the
social and politic relations of humans extends beyond the realms of
human concern into non-human lives and laws. Project title;
dogs of Christiania”
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25th of March 2007
Jo Zahn resident in march
Zahn, a
video artist from Hamburg, is doing a communicative
research for a film, which will be broadcasted at the local
Copenhagen TV station tv-tv. Jo wants to
research the relations christianites have to the pictures often shown
of Christiania. How could
Christiania be represented in relation to the many different
perspectives of people living there?
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12th of March 2007
Papers from the seminar
the 15th of February CRIR organised a discussion event at Kunsthallen
Nikolaj in Copenhagen in connection with Nicoline van Harskamp's video
installation "To live outside the law you must be honest".
Here you can
read papers by professor Eric Clark and Dr. Jamie Stapleton
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21st of January 2007
Open Call
is seeking research proposals, deadline 20th of February 2007
the Open Call
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18th of January 2007
CRIR researcher Nicoline
van Harskamp shows at
Nikolaj, Copenhagen
Contemporary Art Center.

from "To Live Outside the Law You Must Be Honest..."
Exhibition opens 10th of February and run till 25th of March 2007
Harskamp will show a 3 part video work based on Christiania research:
Live Outside
the Law You Must Be Honest..."
videos deal
with how to
make, enforce and judge law in a free state. It is based on dialogues
with residents in Christiania and with libertarians and anarchists in
relation to the
exhibition there will be a seminar with and about CRIR
of February
2007 at 7-9 pm
Lise Autogena
(University of Lund)
Stapleton (Birkbeck School of Law, London)
(Lives in Christiania, CRIR)
Nissen (ex
Christianit, consultant in sustainability)
at Nikolaj there will be screenings of new and documentaries about
of March: Lov
& Orden i
Christiania, Nils Vest, 9 min, 1974, Lov &
Orden i
Christiania 2, Nils Vest, 28 min, 2003
of March:
Christiania - Du har mit hjerte, Nils Vest, 60 min, 1991
of March:
Circus Krigen, Jørn Balther, 40 min, 2005
of March:
Kulturkrigen, Jørn Balther, 40 min, 2006
article in the newspaper Politiken (in Danish)
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26th of December 2006
Pranzo (Italy)
be CRIR researcher through February 4th 2007 on a sociological research
financed by Sapienza Rome University.
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CRIR researcher Michael Baers:
comic strip "What
is the Mystery" published in
"Ugespejlet" read it online
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3rd of November 2006
CRIR at "public works"

did a presentation in at Public Works London followed by dinner
Lise Autogena,
Åsa Sonjasdotter, Emmerik Warburg, Jens Brandt, Nicoline Van
Harskamp, Jamie Stapleton, Neil Chapman & Martin Wooster and
Michael Baers.
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October 2006
Machine Café in the Grey Hall
Dancers from Berlin are staying in the CRIR-residency, while
participating in Half Machine Café.
Jaro and
Oct. 5.
through Sunday Oct. 8.
Flyer in
Half Machine Homepage
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of September 2006
Jackman and Robert Lawson

Video documentarists Richard Jackman and Robert Lawson (Seattle, WA,
USA) will be in Christiania from 16 September through 29 September,
shooting the documentary "our heart is in your hands"
write to
busno.8@gmail.com for more info.
Info about "Our Heart is
in Your
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of September 2006
CRIR house has yet
some time to go, as the Maelkeboetten Meeting has not decided what to
do.We hope that the house can accommodate scientists and artists for
another 6 - 8 months.
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of August 2006
MINTER in The Grey Hall
and discussion
August at 22.30 hrs
artist Sarah
Minter has been working this summer at the CRIR house making a
video about and for Christiania.
will present
some excerpts of a Work in progress
1 a
visual symphony about Christiania
video pieces will be screened.
Sarah Minter is a well
video artist and teacher from Mexico City.
is her second
visit to Christiania
for more
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- 27th of August 2006
artist couple: Dellbrügge & de Moll

Questionnaire here!
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- 28th of July
van Harskamp
artist. Nicoline was here last year doing research.
time she is

wrote last
stories, opinions and historical material!
November 17th
to December
4th, I am working in Christiania as a ‘Researcher in
Residence’, trying to learn something about the way the
is organised.
my art
practise, I work with
the idea that public space is in many ways owned by the people who
spend the most time using it or watching it- professionally, out of
curiosity, out of boredom or otherwise.
have made
projects in which I
interviewed and photographed security guards, police officers,
neighbourhood wardens and other professional street observers in
Istanbul, London, Glasgow, Rotterdam and Berlin. This ‘Guide
Guards’ series is about formal control structures, but I also
make work about informal structures, or social control, in cities."
site: www.vanharskamp.net
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of June - 17th of July 2006
Artist, video professor and curator from Mexico City.
was here in
2002 in collaboration with Warburg and this time she wants to make a
video for Christiania.
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June 2006
an appointment with Mitro from NIFCA we offer Vanja residency here.
is a Swedish
architect from Gotemburg engaged in social perspectives of new housing
areas. She writes:
to be part of
a network concerned with social perspectives on architecture is
thrilling. Since my graduation two and a half years ago I have been
struggling with what my way of being an architect looks like."
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of May - 13th of June 2006
and exhibition visit
year half
machine is doing a 1 week program
it out:
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- 27th of May 2006

Marianne Rydvald working
restoring the painting (photo: The National Museum)
is here
doing a major repair on one of her mural paintings.
one (13 sq
meter) was
taken down from the Infohuset some years ago, and has been secured by
Marianne. It has now been bought by Nationalmuseet (Danish National
museum of History) intended to be used as the front for a major
exhibition on Christiania in 2007.
has later
received a grant from Kunststyrelsen including a flat and first class
workshop facilities
www.natmus.dk/sw33144.asp (info in danish)
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- 27th of March 2006
from Unit
10* from the
Architectural Association London together with Kathrin Böhm
Andreas Lang from the London based art/architecture collective public
works ** are going to visit the free town Christiania in Copenhagen in
March 2006.
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of March 2006
artist Michael
Baers from California USA is here doing a preliminary research on a
cartoon series for Ugespejlet. He is also engaged in teachings in
Odense, so he will be here forth and back. Baers is presently living in
Friedrichshain, Berlin.
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of February 2006
Sociology student Alicja Lindert and Michal. (1 week). From Wroslaw.
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of February 2006
anthropologist Linas Svolkinas (University of Copenhagen) is on a long
term field study in Christiania, staying in CRiR.
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of December 2005
Porter Fox (New
York Times Magazine) is here for
9 days writing a background
article to be published this summer.
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of November 2005
van Harskamp
van Harskamp will explore the idea of self-government and how this
relates to self-policing, neighbourliness and social control in the
freetown. She works with the idea that a city is a collection of
buildings and streets as well as a collection of memories, human
connections, narratives and networks can be discovered when looking at
informal urban structures.
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of November 2005
The Christiania focused newspaper 24timeravis.dk has published an article about CRiR.
firetyvetimeromcrir.htm. In danish Sorry about the broken link. Server life ended!
Controversive article about right wing party "Venstre" politician about the houses on the rampart
Also broken link...
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October 2004
KAB employee Vibeke Gravlund
KAB is a leading social housing agent in Denmark, interested in experimenting. Vibeke is helping KAB developing new strategies
Link to KAB
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September - October 2004
Jiesper Tristan Pedersen
Jiesper is here doing field work
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