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CRIR Face painting
The CRIR house, Photo: MARTI. Front painting by Marius Abramavicius Neboisia. following images of the house photos by MARTI

About CRIR

Address: M�lkeb�tten 210
DK-1440 Copenhagen, Denmark

Christiania Researcher in Residence (CRIR) offers residency for artists and academic researchers with a specific interest in Christiania as an important field of study.

Plans for a renovated CRIR house 2024-25

The steering group has decided to give the present CRIR house a major makeover
and encourage all previous residents, neighbors and M�lkeb�tten inhabitants to envolve in discussions for the bettering of the house.


We are thankful to Andreas Kupsch that has helped os tremendously through the last 8 years,
Christiania and the community M�lkeb�tten that have granted us financial aid in the "third part deal" - "Trediedelsordning"
the Copenhagen Authority that has granted us financial aid from the "Energy Renovation aid", "Energirenoveringspulje"

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New CRIR house

why CRIR?

The aim of the Christiania Researcher in Residence project is to involve artists, researchers and academics in an open, critical and reflective dialogue around the free town Christiania in Copenhagen, and to feed new creative and critical thinking into the public realm.

Since 2004 the CRIR house has hosted researchers from around the world with a particular interest in Christiania as a research area. Christiania�s insight and experience into local organisation, alternative architecture, lifestyle, culture, sustainable environments, quality of life, democracy and innovation is unique in the world and could generate important knowledge that may inspire new urban thinking.
Researchers/residents are invited to live in Christiania for short periods, depending on the nature and needs of their proposed projects, typically up to one month.They are asked to consider their project�s expected visibility and how it may contribute to public debate � whether in the form of an academic text, a public lecture, an event, an artwork, a conference or an exhibition.
Applicants are asked to consider how their project can be communicated internally in Christiania. Residents will have access to support and guidance as well as a historical archive from a network of Christiania residents. Various venues and public spaces may be available for events, exhibitions and public presentations.


The House

The CRIR house is financed by the Christiania community fund and is hosted by the area of M�lkeb�tten (one of Christiania�s fourteen community regions).
The house is about 25 Square metres (270 square feet). It has a dining room with an alcove for sleeping, toilet, bedroom with a double bed and a kitchen with a small shower. It has central heating and the front of the house has a large covered porch.
CRIR will supply bedding, towels, free broadband internet. There is access to a shared pay-per-wash washing machine. The CRIR house must be kept in order and cleaned by the resident. Bed covers, towels etc. will be washed by the housekeeper. The house is booked for one resident at a time, for a maximum of 1 month (but the resident can invite whoever to stay along!). Please bear in mind that the neighborhood is quiet and residential.



Please refer to our page How to apply

The Steering group

The Christiania Researcher in Residence project is managed by a group of christiania residents, previous christiania residents and members living in Denmark and abroad, involved in architecture, urban planning, art and culture. The CRIR steering committee currently consists of:

Anders Lund Hansen, Associate professor in Human Geography, Lund University. Lives in Copenhagen
Anders Lund Hansen

Di Ponti
Christiania resident and activist

Emmerik Warburg, Christiania resident.

Ida Dam Juutilainen, Masters degree in Cognitive Semiotics from University of Aarhus, ex-Christiania resident

Jens Brandt, architect., Lives in Brussels

Jiesper Tristan, PhD.
climate researcher and lecturer

Lise Autogena, artist and Professor in Cross-Disciplinary Art at the Creative and Culture Research Institute, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, ex-christiania resident. Lives in London
Narsaq International Research Station

Louise Fabian, Associate Professor University of Aarhus, Denmark. School of Culture and Society, Lives in Aarhus
Arhus University - Louise Fabian

Nina Gry Jacobsen, Bachelor in architecture and Masters in environmental and urban planning. Ex Christiania resident.

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The CRIR homepage is designed by Nis R�mer in 2006 and maintained by Emmerik Warburg
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Christianias Kulturforening

Science And Cocktails

Gallopperiet, Stadens Museum for Kunst

Christianias lokalhistoriske arkiv
Christiania Local history archive

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Gr�s LogoGr�srodsfonden; Economic funding.

Christiania economy meeting, Rejsestalden, Sydomr�det 22, 1; Economic funding.
Area meeting in m�lkeb�tten, Christiania; Supporting morally.
Joshua Portway Web hosting and digital support
Mark Edwards,; Christiania 50th anniversary ed. Book surplus funding
A. Kupsch; Facilitating and Economic funding.
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Christiania Researcher in Residence form�l

CRIR tilbyder bolig for forskere og kunstnere fra hele verden med specifik interesse i Christiania som studieobjekt.
CRIR har til form�l at f� kunstnere, forskere og akademikere i �ben og kritisk dialog om fristaden Christiania, og vil formidle kreative og kritiske tanker i det offentlige rum.
Siden 2004 har CRIR inviteret forskere og kunstnere fra Danmark, Norge, England, Belgien, Lithauen, Sverige, �strig, Frankrig og USA med specifik interesse i Christiania.

Christianias kendskab og viden om lokal organisering, alternativ arkitektur, livsstil, kultur , b�redygtighed, livskvalitet, demokrati og fornyelse er enest�ende og kan m�ske skabe vigtig kendskab til nye bym�ssige samlivsformer.

Forskere og kunstnere inviteres til at bo p� Christiania i en kortere periode, typisk under eller op til 1 m�ned. De bliver bedt om at beskrive hvordan deres projekt forventes publiceret og hvordan det forventes at fremst� i den offentlige debat � hvad enten det er i form af en akademisk tekst, et offentligt seminar eller foredrag, en event, kunst, en konference eller udstilling. Ans�gerne bedes ogs� beskrive hvordan deres projekt kan vises/fremf�res internt p� Christiania.

CRIR-G�sten vil f� begr�nset hj�lp og vejledning, og adgang til en historisk viden gennem et netv�rk af christianitter. Diverse lokaler og offentlige rum st�r s� vidt som muligt til r�dighed for g�sternes events, udstillinger eller pr�sentationer. Der ydes ikke �konomisk hj�lp til underhold. Grundbel�b, el, vand, varme og t�jvask betales af g�sten.

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