Newsletter # 1/2007

Christiania Researcher in Residence

New Homepage
Our homepage has been updated and has moved permanently to the address below:

We are proud to announce that CRIR researcher Nicoline van Harskamp
will show her videos: "To Live Outside the Law You Must Be Honest..."
at Nikolaj Copenhagen Contemporary Art Center.
The Exhibition opens 10th of February and run till 25th of March 2007.
We hope to see you at the opening on the 9th of February; at 17.00-20.00

In relation to the above exhibition CRIR will present its activities
at a seminar in Nikolaj on the 15th of February 2007 at 7-9 pm Lise
Autogena and Emmerik Warburg will represent CRIR.
Read the full program at:

To help with administration and development CRIR have engaged Nis
Rømer to work with us. Nis is a visual artist working with issues
around sustainability and urbanism.

Open Call
We have developed an international open call to open CRIR to an even
wider number of researchers from different disciplines and locations
in the coming year.
You can read the full call below. We welcome your application:

Current researcher:
MARIA PRANZO, Rome Sapienza University (Italy)

News about Christiania
Recently a new player entered the scene; RealDania the biggest private
fund for the built environment in Denmark. They have offered to
support the development of new and alternative housing in Christiania.
Christiania has not yet reached a decision on the proposal.

The newsletter is issued  2-4 times a year, if you wish to
unsubscribe, just send us a mail back.